Star Wars: Ahsoka's Epic Return to the Iconic Location from the Original Trilogy

Star Wars: Ahsoka's Epic Return to the Iconic Location from the Original Trilogy

Ahsoka pays homage to the iconic Star Wars trilogy while seamlessly integrating references to its animated predecessors, making it a truly nostalgic and compelling experience


Ahsoka includes a memorable location from the original Star Wars trilogy, serving as a nostalgic callback for fans.

The Home One starship's presence in Ahsoka effectively evokes a nostalgic atmosphere and serves as a tribute to the original trilogy. However, the inclusion of iconic locations could potentially discourage new fans from fully embracing Ahsoka and raises concerns regarding its accessibility for newcomers.

Star Wars: Ahsoka brings back a notable location from the original Star Wars film trilogy, along with references to other animated properties in the franchise. This Easter egg can be found in the two-episode premiere of the series on Disney Plus.

Continuing the overall Star Wars storyline that originated from The Clone Wars series and The Mandalorian, Ahsoka follows the story of the former Jedi as she confronts a new threat in the galaxy after the fall of the first Galactic Empire. The series garnered much anticipation, particularly due to Dave Filoni's revelation of its connection to the animated Star Wars: Rebels and lead actress Rosario Dawson's assurance that the show is accessible to newcomers. As a result, Ahsoka had a successful debut on Disney Plus and received generally positive critical reviews.

Ahsoka's journey is laden with nostalgic nods and hidden references, teasing the possibility of Sam Witwer's reprisal as Starkiller. Amidst these delightful callbacks, fans might have overlooked a subtle gem - the Home One, the starship where Ahsoka encounters General Hera Syndulla. This very vessel, once commanded by Admiral Ackbar in the iconic Star Wars Trilogy, played a prominent role in Return of the Jedi. Moreover, it is on this ship that the Captain famously utters the line, "It's a trap!" - a phrase that has become a beloved meme within and beyond the realm of fandom, even decades after its original debut.

Star Wars: Ahsoka's Epic Return to the Iconic Location from the Original Trilogy

Using Home One as a backdrop for the meeting between Ahsoka and the Genera not only paid homage to the original Star Wars trilogy but also added an ambiance that created a fitting atmosphere. Despite having limited time, the series managed to work with various elements and successfully established a solid introduction to the world of Ahsoka. The inclusion of nostalgic recreations from the animated series, along with a heartfelt dedication to the late star Ray Stevenson, added depth to the episodes.

However, while some may appreciate the use of such an iconic location, it may also raise concerns that Star Wars: Ahsoka may not be as welcoming to new fans as promised by Dawson. The extent to which newcomers can enjoy and follow along with the show without feeling discouraged by these additions remains uncertain.

Ahsoka is now available for streaming on Disney Plus.

Source: Disney Plus