Shocking Breakthrough: Arrest Made in Tragic Death of Robert De Niro’s Grandson Leandro

Shocking Breakthrough: Arrest Made in Tragic Death of Robert De Niro’s Grandson Leandro

Robert De Niro's eldest grandson, Leandro, tragically passed away in July due to the consumption of pills contaminated with fentanyl A suspect has now been arrested in connection to this devastating incident

Shocking Breakthrough: Arrest Made in Tragic Death of Robert De Niro’s Grandson Leandro

Robert De Niro attends the ‘Mixtape’ film premiere on April 7, 2022 in New York City. Photo Image Press/Shutterstock

A suspect has been apprehended in relation to the suspected overdose of Leandro De Niro Rodriguez, the grandson of Robert De Niro.

According to law enforcement sources, both NBC News and ABC News reported on Friday, July 14, that Sofia Haley Marks, a 20-year-old individual, is believed to have sold drugs to Leandro before his untimely passing earlier this month. Marks is currently held in police custody in New York City and faces federal charges for drug distribution.

The investigation into Leandro's death is still ongoing, but his mother, Drena De Niro, has previously stated that it was drug-related. Drena, 51, expressed her anger and grief on Instagram on July 4, accusing someone of knowingly selling Leandro fentanyl-laced pills and emphasizing the consequences of engaging in such activities. She wrote, "For all these people still involved in selling and buying this harmful substance, my son's life has been taken away forever."

According to authorities in NYC, Leandro, who was an aspiring actor, had been found dead at a building in lower Manhattan.

Shocking Breakthrough: Arrest Made in Tragic Death of Robert De Niro’s Grandson Leandro

Leandro Anthony De Niro-Rodriguez, the son of actor Robert De Niro and Diahnne Abbott, passed away at the age of 19, as confirmed by Drena De Niro on her Instagram two days ago.

"My beloved, precious angel. Since the moment I first felt you in my womb, I have loved you in a way that words cannot adequately describe. You have brought me immense joy, filling my heart with purity and authenticity throughout my life," Drena expressed, who is the mother of Leandro and shares him with artist Carlos Rodriguez. She shared this heartfelt message on Instagram on July 2. "I yearn to be by your side at this very moment. I long to be with you."

In response to Drena's Instagram comments, Rodriguez also conveyed his thoughts. "Dearest Drena... words alone cannot convey the happiness he brought into our lives or the sorrow we currently bear alongside our families and friends," he wrote. "He is now a child of God. During this full moon, his spirit illuminates what was previously unseen in the darkness. The word LOVE cannot exclude LEO."

Rodriguez later wrote a heartfelt tribute to his deceased son, expressing the impact he had on those who knew him. He shared the tribute via Instagram on July 5th, emphasizing Leo's passionate nature, love for his family and friends, and his curiosity about the world. Leo was also described as a skilled programmer who aimed to use his talents for a meaningful purpose rather than being consumed by the chaos of social media. Similar to his parents, Leo had an affinity for art and artists and felt a sense of belonging within that community.

In a recent statement to We, Robert expressed his sorrow over the demise of Leandro, stating, "I am profoundly saddened by the loss of my dear grandson Leo." The acclaimed actor extended his gratitude for the condolences received from all and requested privacy during this grieving period.