Mastering Civilization 6: Unleash the Power of Governors!
Master the art of governance in Civilization 6 Rise and Fall with Governors, powerful tools that enhance and customize your cities for ultimate success
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How to Unlock Governors in Civilization 6How to Use Governors in Civilization 6
Civilization 6, the newest addition to Firaxis' renowned historical strategy franchise, has been continuously growing since its initial release in 2016. In addition to the addition of numerous new Leaders, Civilization 6 has also received two significant expansions: Gathering Storm and Rise and Fall.
With the introduction of the Rise and Fall expansion, Civilization 6 introduced several innovative features, one of which is the governor's system. This system allows players to enhance and specialize their cities by utilizing the unique abilities of the seven available governors, which become more potent and exclusive as the game unfolds.
How to Unlock Governors in Civilization 6
To unlock their first Governor in Civilization 6, players must obtain a Governor Title by acquiring a Governor Title. Most of these Titles can be found in the Civics Tree, with the first one usually being unlocked after researching State Workforce or Early Empire. Nonetheless, there are various alternative methods to acquire Governor Titles as the game progresses.
Upon completion of the Government Plaza District, players receive 1 Governor Title, and each building constructed within the district grants an additional Title, allowing for a maximum of 4 Titles.
The Great Merchants Irene of Athens and Adam Smith each award 1 Governor Title when activated.
The Casa de Contratación Wonder grants 3 Governor Titles when completed.
The Comandante General Francisco de Paula Santander, unique to Simón Bolivar, grants 1 Governor Title when activated.
Grand Vizier Suleiman gains 1 Governor Title after researching Gunpowder.
Tribal Villages may grant a Governor Title after 30 turns of being visited.
Once a player earns their initial Governor Title, they can utilize it to unlock one of the seven Governors in Civilization 6. Additional Governor Titles can be used to unlock new Governors or enhance the abilities of existing ones.
How to Use Governors in Civilization 6
Cities in Civilization 6 utilize Governors to enhance their Loyalty and gain access to the unique abilities of these Governors. There are seven Governors available, each with a specific focus and the ability to help players specialize their Cities and capitalize on their strengths. One such Governor is Victor, who prioritizes defense. City establishment is expedited for Victor, surpassing that of any other Governor. Moreover, Victor possesses multiple abilities that bolster Combat Strength and fortification defense, making him an invaluable asset.
Amani is an exceptional leader with a diplomatic focus. What sets her apart is her ability to be assigned to City-States, where her special skills empower her to act as an enhanced Envoy.
Moksha, on the other hand, specializes in religion. He strengthens Religious Combat Strength, boosts Faith generation, and improves the production of Religious units in his City.
Magnus - Magnus, the resource-oriented leader, enhances his City's strength through bonuses in Food, Production, and Strategic Resources. He even possesses the unique ability to train Settlers without consuming Population.
Liang - Liang, the leader emphasizing improvements, provides protection against natural disasters, introduces new Tile Improvements, and boosts Housing capacity for the City.
Pingala - The education-oriented Pingala provides significant benefits for Science, Culture, Tourism, and Great Person acquisition.
Reyna - The finance-centered Reyna bestows substantial rewards for Gold production and Trade Routes, and additionally enables the purchase of Districts using Gold.
Ibrahim, the unique eighth Governor exclusive to Grand Vizier Suleiman, specializes in conquest. He not only grants military bonuses but can also be appointed to the capital cities of other civilizations, providing them with a range of different effects.
Players ultimately face the decision of either unlocking new Governors or enhancing their current ones each time they obtain a Governor Title. The choice should depend on factors such as the player possessing enough advanced Cities to warrant additional Governors, if any Cities are affected by Loyalty penalties, or if an existing Governor would greatly benefit from one of their advanced skills. Mastering the utilization and timing of Governors enables players to pursue their desired victory in Civilization 6.
Civilization 6 is accessible on various platforms including PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Android, and iOS.