Master Civilization 6 with Nzinga Mbande's Unique Features

Rule with grace and strength as Nzinga Mbande, the formidable Kongolese Leader in Civilization 6's Great Negotiators Pack Build a vast empire across the continent with unique abilities and features Learn how to master her gameplay with our guide
Nzinga Mbande's Features and Abilities
The Leader Pass for Civilization 6 welcomed the Great Negotiators Pack DLC, featuring two new Leaders and an alternate Persona for Saladin of Arabia. The DLC also introduced Nzinga Mbande, the skilled ruler of the dual kingdoms of Ndongo and Mtamba during the 17th century. Known for her diplomatic, political, and military prowess, Nzinga's versatility in-game is reflected in her ability to build a compact nation on the starting continent with bonuses to all Civilization 6 resources.
Unlike her Kongolese counterpart, Nzinga Mbande's leadership focuses on the development of her nation rather than the acquisition of foreign religions. With her Queen of Ndongo and Mtamba Leader Ability, she builds a strong and prosperous community using the same Civilization Ability, Unique Unit, and Unique District as Mvemba a Nzinga.
How It Works
Leader Ability
Queen of Ndongo and Mtamba
Cities on the same continent as the Capital (including the Capital) receive +10% to all yields Cities on different continents from the Capital receive -15% to all yields
Civilization Ability
Relics, Artifacts, and Sculptures grant +2 Food, +2 Production, +1 Faith, and +4 Gold The Palace has four extra slots for Great Works +50% Great Artist, Great Musician, and Great Merchants points gained from all sources
Unique Unit
Ngao Mbeba
A unique district for the Kongolese civilization Unlocked by the Political Philosophy civic Replaces the Neighborhood - Provides housing, but also provides bonus food and production based on adjacent Plantations, Farms, and Aqueducts +1 Food and +1 Production for each adjacent Plantation, Farm, and Aqueduct +2 Housing 1 Gold maintenance
Unique Kongolese District Unlocked by the Guilds Civic Replaces the Neighborhood - Cheaper, guaranteed Housing, and bonus Food and Gold +5 Housing, unaffected by the Tile's Appeal +2 Food +4 Gold 27 Production cost
How to Play as Nzinga Mbande
Nzinga Mbande's Leader Ability may not seem flashy, but it can be incredibly potent in the right circumstances. To make the most of Queen of Ndongo and Mtamba, players need ample space to expand on their own continent and minimal pressure to settle elsewhere. Nzinga Mbande's strength lies in maps that support large, contiguous continents, while her weakness is in maps where space is limited.
The universal bonus to yields from Queen of Ndongo and Mtamba gives Nzinga Mbande players the freedom to pursue their preferred Civilization 6 victory. However, the other Kongolese bonuses encourage them to prioritize Population, Relics, Artifacts, and Sculptures. Combining the Food bonuses from Nkisi with the early Neighborhood-replacement Mbanza can boost City growth and Population in the mid-game. This creates a solid foundation for players to double-down on Tourism using their Great Works or pursue other Victories by building Campuses or Holy Sites.
Civilization 6 is available on multiple platforms, including iOS, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.