20 Powerful Leaders Missing from Civilization 6

Discover the top Civilization 5 leaders that were left out of Civ 6 From Atilla the Hun's deadly tactics to Ahmad al-Mansur's wealth-building skills, and Pocatello's impressive abilities, these leaders deserve a spot in Civ 7
It's unfortunate that not all of the leaders introduced in Civilization 5 made a return in Civilization 6. While some civilizations did make it over, others remain exclusive to the previous game. Nonetheless, many of these leaders still hold up as viable options and could easily be incorporated into Civilization 7's roster. As the series evolves and mechanics continue to shift, updating these older leaders would be a significant step towards improving the franchise. After all, with so many other past leaders making a comeback, it's only fair to give these ones a chance as well.
Atilla the Hun Was Civilization 5's Deadliest Warrior
Civilization's domination victory is considered one of the toughest to achieve, as warmonger penalties can make enemies out of other players and attacking the wrong opponent at the wrong time can easily lead to failure. To succeed in this strategy, civilizations must prioritize military might and aggression, with Attila the Hun being the ultimate example of such a civilization in Civilization 5. Attila's gameplay revolves around the game's extensive combat mechanics, with his unique Horse Archer unit being a fearsome force on the battlefield in the Ancient Era. Additionally, Attila has access to the powerful Battering Ram, which can inflict significant damage on enemy cities. With these early-game advantages, Attila is a formidable conqueror who can quickly capture cities and dominate his opponents.
Atilla's power may peak in the early game, but his threat level never truly dissipates, making him an ideal choice for players seeking a domination victory or a challenging AI opponent. His aggressive playstyle is unmatched, and he can dominate the Ancient Era like no other leader in Civilization's history. Those who enjoy a fierce and commanding approach to gameplay will undoubtedly find Atilla to be a thrilling choice.
Ahmad al-Mansur of Morocco Was Civilization 5's Ultimate Merchant
Trade plays a crucial role in achieving victory in the Civilization games. It not only helps in accumulating gold but also provides other advantages through leader abilities and social policies. Moreover, trading with other civilizations minimizes the chances of any conflict. Ahmad al-Mansur, the leader of Morocco in Civilization 5, capitalizes on the benefits of trade and makes it a primary focus of his strategy.
Morocco, led by Ahmad al-Mansur, boasts a formidable trade game thanks to his unique ability that generates bonus gold and Culture through trade routes. Other civilizations also receive a gold bonus when trading with Morocco, further incentivizing trade. Additionally, Morocco's military strength is bolstered by its Kasbah Improvement and Berber Calvary, providing a solid defense against potential aggressors. With a focus on trade and diplomacy, Ahmad's Culture bonus also makes him a strong contender for a culture victory, as it encourages friendly relations with other civilizations. The reappearance of Ahmad al-Mansur is a welcomed option for players seeking to build a thriving merchant empire.
The Shoshone's Pocatello Had Some of the Best Abilities in Civilization 5
The key to victory in Civilization games lies in choosing the right approach, and most civilizations in-game are geared towards specific victory conditions. However, there are a select few that are incredibly versatile and can adapt to different paths towards victory. The Shoshone of Civilization 5 are a prime example of this, thanks to their leader Pocatello's unique abilities.
In Civilization, establishing cities is crucial to success, and Pocatello's ability to found cities with twice the usual territory is a game-changer for The Shoshone. This allows them to expand their empire rapidly and claim valuable territory. Additionally, The Shoshone's Pathfinder unit - a replacement for the Scout - not only fights like a Warrior, but also allows players to choose their rewards when discovering ancient ruins. This means that by finding a few early ruins with their Pathfinders, players can gain a significant advantage in the early game.
Pocatello's exceptional adaptability qualifies him as a prime candidate for Civilization 7. His unique ability and the prowess of his Pathfinders unit make him a formidable force in the early stages of Civilization 5. Regardless of the changes that Civilization 7 may bring, Pocatello's versatility and reliability make him an asset to any player. His straightforward yet potent powers are well-suited for a variety of situations, making him one of the most versatile leaders in the game.
Whether or not Civilization 7 adopts Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's approach of including all past leaders, there are several leaders who deserve a second chance in the limelight. Many of these leaders displayed great potential in their first appearance and should be given the opportunity to return to the world of Civilization. Even those leaders who were not fully utilized in Civilization 6 could find renewed purpose in Civilization 7.
Civilization 5 is available now for PC.