Is Saint Saturn in One Piece Falling Short of Expectations?

Is Saint Saturn in One Piece Falling Short of Expectations?

Delve into the reasons why Saint Saturn may not be meeting the high hopes of fans in the One Piece series.

One Piece's Final Saga brought significant developments to the plot, with the World Government becoming more involved in the ongoing events. Fans were thrilled to see the Five Elders playing a more prominent role in the story. Finally, at the Reverie, these powerful individuals showcased their strength and importance.

Following this, Saint Saturn, one of the Elders, emerged as the main antagonist in the Egghead Island arc. While fans were initially excited for Saturn's role in the arc, some now have mixed feelings about the character's strength and impact.

Saturn's Arrival On Egghead

saturn tries to kill bonney one piece 1105 - Saturn's Arrival On Egghead

saturn tries to kill bonney one piece 1105 - Saturn's Arrival On Egghead

Saint Saturn's unexpected presence on a ship heading to Egghead Island surprised fans at first. However, the reason behind his visit made sense. Vegapunk, the brilliant Navy scientist, had a group of powerful Pacifistas and Seraphims on the island. Since Vegapunk was in charge of these Pacifistas, Saturn felt he needed to intervene. As the Five Elders held the highest authority over the Pacifistas, Saturn believed he could help turn the situation around and assist the Marines in their mission.

Although fans were initially surprised by Saturn's arrival, it all made sense when viewed from a broader perspective. Upon reaching Egghead, Saturn did not immediately jump into battle. Many fans didn't expect him to join the fight at all. However, later on, he decided to take matters into his own hands and enter the war.

Saturn's Powers

saturn full zoan spider form one piece 1109 - Saturn's Powers

saturn full zoan spider form one piece 1109 - Saturn's Powers

Saint Saturn first showed off his powers during the Egghead Island arc, surprising his fans. He appeared on the island as things were getting chaotic for the Marines, using a strange summoning circle to arrive. Taking on his giant Devil Fruit form, which resembled the Ushi Oni from Japanese folklore - with the upper half of an ox and the lower half of a spider - Saturn displayed his unique abilities.

One of Saint Saturn's most dangerous powers was his ability to inflict great harm on his enemies with just a glance. His piercing gaze could make even strong fighters like Luffy and Sanji bleed, demonstrating the immense strength of this attack. Additionally, Saturn possessed the power to immobilize his foes with an invisible force, rendering even powerful individuals like Yonko Commanders unable to move from their spot.

Saturn's most irritating ability is his remarkable regeneration. No matter how much he is attacked or damaged, his body simply heals itself effortlessly. These impressive abilities have been on full display in One Piece.

In addition to his regeneration, Saturn also unveiled his complete spider transformation in One Piece chapter 1108. In this form, he can cover himself in a highly toxic substance that can burn through anything. His legs can also function as whips, allowing him to strike his target at incredible speeds. Saint Saturn's strength is undeniable, yet fans have been somewhat disappointed by his lackluster performance on Egghead Island.

Saturn's Showing On Egghead Island

Saturn punched by Luffy - Saturn's Showing On Egghead Island

Saturn punched by Luffy - Saturn's Showing On Egghead Island

Saint Saturn has displayed impressive powers in the Egghead Island arc so far, but his performance has left some fans feeling disappointed. When he first appeared, he immediately engaged in battle against the Straw Hat Pirates and Vegapunk. Although he held his own in the fight, Kuma soon arrived and delivered a devastating blow that sent Saturn flying across the island. Later on, when Luffy joined the fray, he also sent Saturn flying with a powerful attack. In One Piece chapter 1108, Luffy even managed to immobilize Saturn completely in his hand, leading many to feel underwhelmed by Saturn's abilities.

It's important to consider the context of these moments. The instances where Saturn suffered heavy damage were specific to the story's progression. Kuma's attack on Saturn was necessary for the narrative, and the power of love within Kuma amplified his strength. Similarly, Luffy's actions were driven by the need to demonstrate his abilities to Bonney, which justified sending Saturn flying. Despite these setbacks, Saturn did manage to inflict some damage on Luffy before being overpowered.

Both situations were situational, with Saturn taking heavy damage to serve Egghead's narrative purpose. Despite this, Luffy still appears to be much stronger than Saturn, highlighting the true strength of the Five Elders. While the Elders may be stronger than the Admirals, they may not surpass the Yonko in power. Saturn doesn't seem to be stronger than Luffy or any other Yonko, except for Buggy. However, he could have hidden abilities that could elevate him above the Yonko level, still showing superiority over the Admirals.

Fans can officially read One Piece through Viz Media, Shonen Jump, and Manga Plus app for free. The next chapter, One Piece 1109, is expected to be released on March 3, 2024.

Editor's P/S:

This article provides an in-depth analysis of Saint Saturn's role in the Egghead Island arc of One Piece. While the author acknowledges Saturn's impressive powers, they also express disappointment with his overall performance. The article highlights the moments where Saturn suffered heavy damage, suggesting that he may not be as strong as fans initially anticipated.

However, the article also acknowledges that these setbacks may have been necessary for the narrative's progression. The author notes that Saturn's defeat at the hands of Kuma and Luffy served specific plot purposes. Despite these setbacks, Saturn's abilities, such as his piercing gaze and regeneration, remain formidable, and he may still possess hidden powers that could elevate him above the Yonko level. Overall, the article offers a balanced perspective on Saturn's character, highlighting both his strengths and weaknesses.

One Piece

Manga - Anime

One Piece is an incredible adventure-filled series that has captivated its fans for over two decades. It follows the journey of Monkey D. Luffy and his pirate crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, as they search for the ultimate treasure, the One Piece, in order to become the King of the Pirates. With its compelling storyline, diverse and lovable characters, epic battles, and themes of friendship and determination, One Piece has created a vast and immersive world that keeps fans eagerly anticipating each new chapter or episode. It is a timeless masterpiece that continues to redefine the boundaries of the shonen genre, making it a must-watch or read for any anime or manga enthusiast.