Exclusive: Uncover the Ultimate Crossover! Destiny 2 Bug Unleashes the Iconic Darksaber From Star Wars

Exclusive: Uncover the Ultimate Crossover! Destiny 2 Bug Unleashes the Iconic Darksaber From Star Wars

Destiny 2 fans left disappointed as a visual bug in the game briefly gives players the iconic Darksaber from Star Wars Despite the excitement, players quickly realize the item is not officially available, leaving them longing for its legitimate inclusion in the game


Destiny 2 players discover a visual glitch that makes the Legendary sword The Other Half resemble the Darksaber from Star Wars, sparking excitement among fans.

The preview menu glitch in The Other Half accidentally creates a resemblance to the iconic Darksaber from The Mandalorian, turning a Halo reference into a Star Wars connection. Fans are expressing their desire for an official shader or ornament to replicate this unique look.

Destiny 2 players have noticed a visual glitch where the sword The Other Half resembles the famous Darksaber from Star Wars. However, this is just a bug and there are no available shaders or ornaments in the game that can replicate the iconic look.

When people mention technical difficulties and Destiny 2, they often think of the server instability that has been an issue since the release of the Lightfall expansion this year. Bungie recently addressed these complaints and clarified that they are not planning to switch to a new game engine or start fresh with Destiny 3 in the near future, if ever. They explained that their Claims system, which manages network connections, has not been restoring disruptions as intended and outlined their plans for fixing it. Despite the frustrations, glitches can sometimes be seen as a welcome change of pace.

The content fragment

The image shared by Knives-n-Arrows showcases the Legendary sword The Other Half without its usual purple energy. This is a result of a glitch in the weapon preview menu, causing the blade to have a solid black appearance instead. The Other Half and Half Truths swords in Destiny 2 draw inspiration from Halo, where they are essentially halves of an energy sword that has been split down the middle. These swords were introduced as part of the 30th Anniversary celebration of Destiny.

Due to this bug, the Halo reference unintentionally resembles the famous Darksaber from Star Wars. The drained blade bears a resemblance to the Darksaber, which holds significance in the Star Wars canon but gained popularity through its prominent appearance in The Mandalorian series. The connection was made by various commenters below the image, and many of them referenced the show by saying "this is the way," a catchphrase often spoken by the protagonist, Din Djarin.

Unfortunately, this bug only manifests when inspecting The Other Half and does not occur during weapon usage. Despite being a visual glitch that resolves itself after a minute, Bungie has yet to address this issue, as it is understandably not high on their priority list. Fans, however, desire a shader or ornament that officially incorporates this appearance whenever it is brought to the attention of the community again. Although the Amethyst Veil shader is utilized, it only modifies the handle and does not impact the blade.

Destiny 2 can be played on a variety of platforms, including PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.