Decoding One Piece SBS Volume 107

Decoding One Piece SBS Volume 107

Discover the captivating revelations found in One Piece SBS Volume 107! Unveiling the secrets behind Bonney's mysterious Devil Fruit, uncovering the intriguing lore and backstories of SWORD, exploring the inspirations and influences behind this epic series, and delving into Luffy's compelling dream An article filled with enthralling information that will leave you craving for more

Article Key Points

One Piece SBS volume 107 reveals the name of Bonney's Devil Fruit, the Toshi Toshi no Mi or the Age Age Fruit, confirming fans' assumptions.

Oda delves into the pasts of the SWORD members, shedding light on their backgrounds. Although they have resigned from the Marines, they maintain their status as Marines until their official release.

Among the formidable individuals of SWORD, Kujaku stands out as one of the most powerful. She wields a mighty blade called Beethoven, capable of cleaving rocks with ease, which perfectly complements her Devil Fruit ability.

One Piece volume 107 is just around the corner, meaning fans can look forward to a new volume of SBS with Oda. In these Q&A sessions, Oda often entertains his audience with jokes and gags, but there are also some intriguing nuggets of information to be found.

True to form, One Piece SBS volume 107 proves to be no exception. Amidst the less informative content, fans have discovered several interesting details that nicely connect to the ongoing story events in the final saga of the series.

Bonney's Devil Fruit

Decoding One Piece SBS Volume 107

In SBS volume 107, Oda revealed the name of Bonney's powerful Devil Fruit that allows her to manipulate age. This Paramecia class fruit enables her to change people's ages on contact. During the Sabaody Archipelago arc, Bonney used this fruit to change the ages of various Marines when a fight broke out. As the story progressed, more of the fruit's powers were revealed in the Egghead Arc. Bonney demonstrated the ability to remove someone's age or transform them into a different version of themselves using the power of Distortion Future. For example, she turned herself into a muscular being resembling a Buccaneer race member and transformed Luffy into an old man. In One Piece SBS volume 107, Oda revealed that the Devil Fruit is called the Toshi Toshi no Mi, or the Age Age Fruit. This revelation followed fans' expectations and comes as no surprise.

SWORD Lore And Backstories

Decoding One Piece SBS Volume 107

In One Piece SBS volume 107, Oda revealed significant details about the story, specifically regarding the Marine group known as SWORD. Contrary to fan assumptions, SWORD is composed of active Marines rather than deserters. These members can be promoted or demoted like any regular Marine, but they choose to submit their resignations. The Marines do not immediately accept these resignations and only release the members when they no longer claim responsibility for them.

Additionally, Oda shared the backstories of various SWORD members recently introduced in One Piece, beginning with Hibari. Known as a Lieutenant of the SWORD of Marines, Hibari is deeply in love with Captain Koby, a relationship that was developed in the Egghead Island arc. Their connection originated when Koby saved Hibari from a ravaged battlefield during her youth. Despite losing her cherished bear during the turmoil, Koby went against orders to retrieve it for her. Days later, he returned worn-out but successful, solidifying Hibari's affection for him and prompting her to name the bear Koby-Senpai.

Oda also shared extensive details about Prince Grus, though it pales in comparison to the intrigue surrounding Hibari. According to Oda, Prince Grus had a somber disposition as a child and was prone to clumsiness, frequently colliding with objects in his path.

In order to mitigate this issue, his mother provided him with an elongated hat, preventing further collisions. This simple solution allowed Prince Grus to avoid injuries, as the hat would make contact with obstacles before he did. While this anecdote doesn't contribute significantly to Prince Grus' character development, it highlights the profound bond he shares with his mother and sheds light on his shy nature in the world of One Piece. It also clarifies his intense desire for Garp's attention, leaving fans hopeful for his potential as a remarkable marine in the future.

One of the most fascinating revelations in One Piece SBS volume 107 pertains to the enigmatic character known as Kujaku. Renowned amongst fans as one of the formidable members of SWORD, she recently showcased her profound combat skills on Pirate Island. It was unveiled that she wields a formidable sword with the moniker of Beethoven, which loosely translates in Japanese to "military combat whip." Remarkably, this weapon crafted from steel possesses astonishing strength, capable of effortlessly cleaving through solid rocks. When synergized with her Devil Fruit power, it exhibits extraordinary prowess, exemplified by the ability to effortlessly manipulate entire buildings, epitomizing a truly hazardous force.

Inspirations And Influences

Decoding One Piece SBS Volume 107

In One Piece SBS volume 107, Oda shared fascinating tidbits about the characters in his story and their origins. Notably, Pythagoras, one of the six satellites of Vegapunk, draws inspiration from the beloved Japanese TV show Ganbare RoboCon.

Luffy's Dream

Oda found inspiration in Jiron Amos from Combat Mecha Xabungle for one of his characters. This character, who goes by the name Jiron, belongs to the Revolutionary Army and was introduced in the story when Sabo arrived in the Kamabakka Kingdom after the events of Lulusia.

Decoding One Piece SBS Volume 107

In SBS volume 107 of One Piece, Oda discussed Luffy's dream. Fans inquired if Caribou, who was present on the Straw Hat ship when Luffy disclosed his dream to his crew, was also aware of his aspirations. Oda clarified that Caribou was unaware of Luffy's dream as he did not hear that specific piece of information properly. The only people who currently know about Luffy's dream include the Straw Hat Pirates, Sabo, Shanks, Rayleigh, and Yamato. The Straw Hat Pirates directly heard this dream from Luffy himself. Additionally, when Luffy was a child, Shanks overheard him mentioning this dream, and Shanks then informed Rayleigh. As for Yamato, Ace, who is no longer alive, shared this dream with him, and of course, there's Sabo, who became aware of Luffy's goal when Luffy proclaimed it in front of him as a child.

One Piece can be accessed for reading through Viz Media. Fans can officially and freely read the series on the Shonen Jump and Manga Plus app. The upcoming chapter, One Piece 1097, is scheduled to be released on November 5, 2023.

Editor's P/S

One Piece SBS Volume 107 is a treasure trove of information for fans of the series. It reveals the name of Bonney's Devil Fruit, the Toshi Toshi no Mi, or the Age Age Fruit, confirming fans' assumptions. It also delves into the pasts of the SWORD members, shedding light on their backgrounds and motivations.

In particular, the backstory of Hibari and her relationship with Koby is both heartwarming and amusing. It's clear that Oda has put a lot of thought into developing the characters and their backstories, and it's this attention to detail that makes One Piece such a rich and rewarding series to read.

One Piece

Manga - Anime

One Piece is an incredible adventure-filled series that has captivated its fans for over two decades. It follows the journey of Monkey D. Luffy and his pirate crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, as they search for the ultimate treasure, the One Piece, in order to become the King of the Pirates. With its compelling storyline, diverse and lovable characters, epic battles, and themes of friendship and determination, One Piece has created a vast and immersive world that keeps fans eagerly anticipating each new chapter or episode. It is a timeless masterpiece that continues to redefine the boundaries of the shonen genre, making it a must-watch or read for any anime or manga enthusiast.