Discover the evolving dynamics between Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson, who began as friends on 'RHOC' but have navigated through various feuds and reconciliations over the years. Dive into the ups an...
Exciting news from 'Real Housewives of Orange County' as Jennifer Pedranti and Ryan Boyajian share their engagement news following a romantic proposal during their vacation together.
Patti Stanger shares her worries about Alexis Bellino's new relationship with John Janssen, suspecting potential love bombing behavior. Dive into the exclusive details of this friendship and romance o...
A legal battle unfolds as 'The Real Housewives of Orange County' personality Shannon Beador is sued by her ex, John Janssen, over a $75,000 loan reportedly spent on a cosmetic enhancement treatment.
Former 'Real Housewives of Orange County' star Meghan King reflects on feeling 'really bad' for speculating about Kate Middleton prior to the public announcement of her cancer diagnosis.
RHOC’s Meghan King shares insights on her co-parenting journey with ex-husband Jim Edmonds, highlighting the progress they've made since their split in October 2019.
In an exclusive interview with Us Weekly, Alexis Bellino shares her nerves and excitement surrounding her public appearance with boyfriend John Janssen, shedding light on their relationship amidst 'RH...
Braunwyn Windham-Burke, Sean Burke, and their daughter Rowan Burke have raised abuse allegations in recently filed court papers. Learn more about their courageous decision to speak out.
The recent appearance of Alexis Bellino alongside Heather Dubrow and Emily Simpson has sparked rumors of her return to the Real Housewives of Orange County series. This unexpected reunion has left fan...