Pikmin 4, the real-time strategy game by Nintendo, has achieved a significant milestone by selling over 1 million copies in Japan. This success comes as a testament to the game's popularity and the Ni...
Version 102 of Pikmin 4 is here! Nintendo has rolled out an exciting update to enhance gameplay stability Check out the full patch notes for all the highlights Get ready for a thrilling adventure with...
Pikmin 4 revolutionizes the RTS genre, providing a refreshing and relaxed adventure that effortlessly introduces players to the complexities of strategy games Get ready for an immersive experience lik...
Pikmin 4: Elevating the Series to New Heights, Inspired by Breath of the Wild - Prepare for a groundbreaking shift as the beloved Pikmin franchise embraces the open-world concept, drawing inspiration...
Pikmin 4 shatters sales records, skyrocketing to unprecedented success after just one week Outperforming its predecessors, this highly anticipated game has become a massive hit among gamers worldwide
The long-awaited arrival of Pikmin 1 & 2 on the Switch has reignited the passion for this beloved series, bringing it back into the limelight Fans are thrilled as Pikmin 4's anticipation grows stronge...
Discover a world of endless adventures in Pikmin 4! Unleash your strategic skills and embark on a thrilling journey filled with captivating post-game content Unlock the true ending, conquer Olimar's S...
Discover the secrets to swift progress in Pikmin 4! Uncover techniques to enhance your speed, learn how to move faster, and decide if the coveted Rush Boots are truly worth the investment Unleash your...
Discover the ultimate companion for Pikmin 4 with our comprehensive guide! Uncover the locations of Onions, Rescues, and Treasures, while unlocking invaluable tips and tricks Navigate through stage gu...