The arrival of Alan Wake in Dead by Daylight marks a thrilling crossover event, introducing the beloved protagonist of the iconic horror franchise to the asymmetrical horror game. With new gameplay me...
Dead by Daylight developer Behaviour Interactive has confirmed that Alan Wake, the protagonist of Remedy Entertainment's action horror titles of the same name, will be added to the game later this mon...
Alan Wake, the iconic protagonist, ventures into the thrilling realm of Dead by Daylight as the latest survivor Brace yourself for an immersive crossover experience in one of 2023's most highly antici...
Dead by Daylight, the popular multiplayer horror game, has teased fans with a major announcement coming on January 9. This announcement has sparked rumors of a potential crossover with Alan Wake, addi...
Alan Wake 2 delves into the haunting journey of protagonist Alan, as he grapples with the unsettling realization that his writing prowess may be in question Remedy masterfully explores the depths of s...
Delve into the captivating world of Alan Wake 2, a thrilling sequel that promises an epic adventure Discover the answer to the burning question: How many chapters await as you embark on this gripping...
Experience the enhanced world of Alan Wake 2 with the latest Update 10 Patch Notes Remedy Entertainment addresses previous issues, delivering an even more immersive gameplay experience
Alan Wake 2 hints at the significance of time travel in Remedy's Connected Universe, reaffirming the studio's commitment to Quantum Break and showcasing their continued dedication to the franchise
Unravel the intricate storyline of Alan Wake 2 as we delve into the enigmatic conclusion Discover the secrets of The Dark Place, The Dark Presence, and Mr Scratch, while exploring Alan Wake and Saga A...
Embark on a thrilling journey in Alan Wake 2: Return 6 - Scratch! As players, you'll race against time to locate Alan and deliver the Clicker before it falls into the wrong hands Explore the Sheriff's...