Chapter Guide for Alan Wake 2

Chapter Guide for Alan Wake 2

Delve into the captivating world of Alan Wake 2, a thrilling sequel that promises an epic adventure Discover the answer to the burning question: How many chapters await as you embark on this gripping journey?

Spoilers ahead. Proceed with caution as this article discusses the chapter names in Alan Wake 2.

How Many Chapters Are in Alan Wake 2?

Chapter Guide for Alan Wake 2

There are a total of 19 chapters in Alan Wake 2. It is important to note that the first chapter, which serves as a prologue, is a short one where players do not control either Saga or Alan. If we exclude this prologue from the count, we are left with 18 chapters. Out of these, players will assume the role of Saga in nine chapters, while in the other nine chapters, they will play as Alan. Both characters have their own distinct missions and storylines that contribute to the overall narrative of Alan Wake 2. The chapter names are as follows.

Saga Anderson

Alan Wake

Return 1: Invitation

Initiation 1: Late Night

Return 2: The Heart

Initiation 2: Casey

Return 3: Local Girl

Initiation 3: Haunting

Return 4: No Chance

Initiation 4: We Sing

Return 5: Old Gods

Initiation 5: Room 665

Return 6: Scratch

Initiation 6: Return

Return 7: Summoning

Initiation 7: Masks

Return 8: Deerfest

Initiation 8: Zane's Film

Return 9: Come Home

Initiation 9: Gone

The game starts with players having the option to only play as Saga Anderson. Once players complete Return 2: The Heart, they will then transition to Alan's side of the story where they will begin Initiation 1: Late Night. Upon completing Initiation 2: Casey, players will gain the ability to switch between the two characters, albeit with some limitations. This can be done by interacting with the dark puddle found at select save points within each chapter.

It is important to note that there are specific points in the storyline where the game will automatically switch back to the other character. Additionally, towards the end of the game, players will be in control of both characters in certain chapters.

Alan Wake 2 is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I am incredibly excited about the release of Alan Wake 2. The first game was a masterpiece, and I can't wait to see what the sequel has in store. I'm particularly interested in the new character, Saga Anderson. She seems like a complex and intriguing character, and I'm eager to learn more about her story. I'm also excited to see how the game's dual-protagonist structure will work. I think it's a really cool idea, and I'm curious to see how it will affect the gameplay.

Overall, I'm very optimistic about Alan Wake 2. I think it has the potential to be one of the best games of the year. I can't wait to get my hands on it and experience the story for myself.