Bachelor’s Lexi Young Opens Up About Joey Graziadei’s Connection With Kelsey Anderson (Exclusive)

Bachelor’s Lexi Young Opens Up About Joey Graziadei’s Connection With Kelsey Anderson (Exclusive)

'The Bachelor' contestant Lexi Young shares her thoughts on leaving the show and the bond between Joey Graziadei and Kelsey Anderson revealed in an exclusive interview with Us Weekly

Lexi Young didn't make it to the end of Joey Graziadei's season on The Bachelor. However, before leaving, she noticed that the tennis pro had a special interest in Kelsey Anderson and Daisy Kent.

According to Lexi, she observed a strong connection between Joey and Kelsey A. right from the start. She also felt that there was something special between Joey and Daisy. Being closer to Kelsey A., Lexi had the opportunity to witness and hear about their bond. She believes that Joey is facing a tough decision because both Kelsey A. and Daisy bring unique qualities to the relationship and are wonderful in their own ways.

Lexi decided to leave the show in week 6 when she found out that Joey, 28, was not ready to get married or have children right after getting engaged. Her endometriosis diagnosis was a significant factor in her desire to start a family immediately. Despite feeling unsure during her drive to the airport, Lexi admitted to briefly regretting her decision.

She questioned whether she should have stayed for an extra week, but upon reflection, she realized that her doubts were mostly fueled by emotions. The intense emotional conversation they had made her second-guess herself momentarily. Although it was a tough choice at the time, Lexi ultimately feels confident in her decision to leave the show.

Some fans had the opinion that Joey should have been prepared to get married sooner since the show typically concludes with an engagement. However, Lexi holds no grudge against him for this.

Lexi mentioned, "I believe everyone's timeline is personal and unique. I wasn't aware of Joey's timeline before joining the show, so it's understandable that his response may differ from mine. I am grateful that I expressed my feelings when I did and that we had that difficult conversation. This way, others who share a similar timeline to his can relate. I don't blame him at all. Each person has their own path to follow, and it doesn't have to match yours. But the person I ultimately end up with will have a timeline that aligns with mine, and that's what truly matters."

Lexi Young Saw Joey Graziadei Connection With Kelsey Anderson

Lexi Young Saw Joey Graziadei Connection With Kelsey Anderson

ABC (3)

Jenn Tran shared that she was mainly concentrated on her relationship with Joey, while Lexi noticed his strong connections with Kelsey A. and Daisy, who eventually made it to the final two. Jenn explained that she chose to prioritize her bond with the tennis pro and did not pay much attention to other contestants' opinions. She expressed her belief that Joey's final two choices, Kelsey A. and Daisy, were exceptional women whom she considered close friends.

Jenn, 26, shared that she felt like she was falling in love with Joey and experienced a range of emotions when he sent her home before hometowns. Despite this, she has nothing but positive things to say about her time with the Bachelor.

In an interview with Us, Jenn expressed her admiration for Joey, stating that their relationship was filled with positivity. She mentioned that Joey remained true to himself throughout their time together and made her feel safe. Jenn highlighted Joey's genuine nature, openness, and receptiveness, describing him as an amazing guy.

The Bachelor concludes on ABC Monday, March 25, at 8 p.m. ET.

Editor's P/S:

Lexi Young's departure from "The Bachelor" highlights the importance of personal timelines and expectations in relationships. Her desire to start a family