5 Epic Swordplay Scenes in Honkai's Yanqing Light Cone

5 Epic Swordplay Scenes in Honkai's Yanqing Light Cone

Yanqing's light cone choices are crucial to his success, with options ranging from free-to-play to gacha The top picks include Swordplay, River Flows in Spring, Cruising in the Stellar Sea, Sleep Like the Dead, and In The Night Choose wisely to maximize Yanqing's potential

5 Epic Swordplay Scenes in Honkai's Yanqing Light Cone


5 Epic Swordplay Scenes in Honkai's Yanqing Light Cone


5 Epic Swordplay Scenes in Honkai's Yanqing Light Cone


5 Epic Swordplay Scenes in Honkai's Yanqing Light Cone



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Despite being overshadowed by popular Hunt path characters like Seele and Dan Heng, Yanqing should not be overlooked. He offers excellent and fast DPS potential, making him a suitable choice for tough content like Forgotten Hall where Ice DPS is needed. Moreover, building Yanqing is relatively easy compared to other Hunt characters as he gains significant additional Crit Rate and Crit Damage from his traces and kit. Players can prioritize ATK and Speed when selecting his relics and utilize a variety of free-to-play and gacha light cone options to unlock his full potential in Honkai: Star Rail.

5 Swordplay

5 Epic Swordplay Scenes in Honkai's Yanqing Light Cone

Base ATK (LVL 80):


Base DEF (LVL 80):


Base HP (LVL 80):



: For each time the wearer hits the same target, DMG dealt increases by


, stacking up to 5 time(s). The stack effect will be reset when the wearer changes targets.

Yanqing's strengths lie in his ability as a Hunt character to deal high single-target DPS and follow-up attacks on the same enemy with a 50% base chance. This style of play allows for the stacking of Swordplay up to 5 times, making Yanqing even more effective in boss fights where he can concentrate on a single target. However, it is important to note that Swordplay may not be as effective when facing waves of multiple enemies, so players should consider other light cone options in such situations.

5 Epic Swordplay Scenes in Honkai's Yanqing Light Cone

Base ATK (LVL 80):


Base DEF (LVL 80):


Base HP (LVL 80):



: After entering battle, increases the wearer’s SPD by


and DMG by


When Yanqing equipped with the River Flows in Spring light cone takes damage, the cone's effect will temporarily disappear until the end of his next turn. This free-to-play option can be obtained through completing operation briefing missions or earning enough Lucent Afterglow to purchase it from the Forgotten Hall store. By maximizing the cone's level, players can significantly boost Yanqing's speed and damage output, making it an ideal choice for those who have focused on ATK and Crit values but lack in Speed. However, players should take note of the light cone's short duration effect and consider pairing Yanqing with a character like Fire Trailblazer, who can taunt enemies and provide a shield to minimize damage. In battles where enemies deal AoE damage, other light cone options may be more advantageous.

3 Cruising in the Stellar Sea

5 Epic Swordplay Scenes in Honkai's Yanqing Light Cone

Base ATK (LVL 80):


Base DEF (LVL 80):


Base HP (LVL 80):



: Increases the wearer’s CRIT rate by


, and increases their CRIT rate against enemies with HP less than or equal to 50% by an additional


. When the wearer defeats an enemy, increase their ATK by


for 3 turn(s).

Cruising in the Stellar Sea is a free-to-play option that offers a 5-star rarity light cone, which can be obtained from the Simulated Universe's Herta Store. Players can fully superimpose this light cone with enough Herta Bonds, making it a priority to redeem over the other two options available for different paths. Compared to the 4-star light cones, Cruising in the Stellar Sea provides more benefits to the character and the team, as it has significantly higher base stats and fewer limitations. However, it may not be as effective as other 5-star Hunt light cones due to its effect. Yanqing already gains a substantial increase in Crit Rate after using his Ultimate and Skill, which means that the additional Crit Rate provided may not be as beneficial to him as characters like Sushang. Furthermore, the ATK% increase requires Yanqing to defeat enemies, which may not be convenient in some boss battles as it would require him to focus on additional enemies to fully benefit from this secondary effect.

5 Epic Swordplay Scenes in Honkai's Yanqing Light Cone

Base ATK (LVL 80):


Base DEF (LVL 80):


Base HP (LVL 80):



: Increases the wearer’s CRIT DMG by


. When the wearer’s Basic ATK or Skill does not result in a CRIT Hit, increases their CRIT Rate by


Sleep Like the Dead, Yanqing's signature 5-star light cone, is a top choice for those who are fortunate enough to obtain it from Gacha. Its greatest asset is its ability to grant an unconditional Crit DMG buff to Yanqing, which enhances his consistency in landing critical hits. Despite the Crit Rate increase being limited to once every 3 turns, this should not pose a major disadvantage, given Yanqing's self-buffs. It serves as a way to guarantee that Yanqing can deliver critical hits nearly every turn when built and utilized effectively.

1 In The Night

5 Epic Swordplay Scenes in Honkai's Yanqing Light Cone

Base ATK (LVL 80):


Base DEF (LVL 80):


Base HP (LVL 80):



: Increases the wearer’s CRIT Rate by


. While the wearer is in battle, for every 10 SPD that exceeds 100, increase the wearer’s Basic ATK and Skill DMG by


, and increase the CRIT DMG of their Ultimate by


. This effect can stack up to 6 time(s).

In The Night, a limited-time available light cone that was released alongside Seele's event banner, offers Yanqing and all Hunt characters additional benefits that may surprise players. Despite Yanqing's signature light cone, In The Night provides an unconditional crit rate buff and allows for increased skill and basic attack damage, as well as crit damage from his ultimate. In fact, players can achieve up to a staggering 48% increase in damage with enough Speed investment. This light cone further emphasizes the importance of prioritizing Speed for Yanqing, and for those who may lack sufficient Speed equipment or kit, utilizing characters like Asta can unlock its full potential.

5 Epic Swordplay Scenes in Honkai's Yanqing Light Cone