Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: The Ultimate Hot-Footed Frog Farming Guide

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: The Ultimate Hot-Footed Frog Farming Guide

Discover where to find Hot-Footed Frogs in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for various exciting uses Uncover the best farming locations to collect these valuable creatures

Similar to its predecessor, Breath of the Wild, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom features numerous creatures and materials that come in handy for crafting elixirs and enhancing Link's array of armor sets. These gameplay elements are of utmost significance and should not be disregarded, as they offer game-altering benefits and vital defense during combat. In this guide, players will discover the locations and farming methods for acquiring the Hot-Footed Frog in Tears of the Kingdom, along with the reasons why collecting it can prove advantageous during the exploration of the expansive realm of Hyrule.

Hot-Footed Frog Uses

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: The Ultimate Hot-Footed Frog Farming Guide

The Hot-Footed Frog in Tears of the Kingdom serves a dual purpose - crafting elixirs and enhancing the Climbing Gear armor set. With its impressive speed, this frog is crucial for concocting Hasty Elixirs. By combining it with certain monster parts, players can infuse its swift attributes into a potion, granting them a valuable speed boost.

To fully upgrade every piece of Climbing Gear armor to level three, players will require a considerable number of Hot-Footed Frogs. Each part of the set demands ten of these frogs for upgrading, making a total of 30 frogs necessary. Additionally, gamers have the option to utilize Hot-Footed Frogs as an ingredient for crafting green dye at Sayge's Dye Shop.

Best Hot-Footed Frog Farming Locations

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: The Ultimate Hot-Footed Frog Farming Guide

Hot-Footed Frogs are not uncommon in Tears of the Kingdom, and players can find them in abundance in certain areas.

These frogs are often found in wells, mines, and enjoy bathing in shallow bodies of water. Because of their preferences, finding Hot-Footed Frogs in Hateno Village is quite effortless.

In Hateno Village, there are several small ponds that offer a chance for gamers to discover a few elusive Hot-Footed Frogs. Additionally, the village boasts an intricate system of interconnected wells beneath the surface. To partake in the Manny's Beloved side quest, players must gather ten of these quick-footed amphibians.

Given their swift nature, it is advisable for gamers to equip themselves with stealthy attire or consume an elixir before approaching a Hot-Footed Frog. Crouching is also crucial for a successful encounter.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: The Ultimate Hot-Footed Frog Farming Guide

Mipha Court, north of Lanayru Great Spring and east of Zora's Domain, is a location where Hot-Footed Frogs tend to spawn as well.

Players can easily ascend the extensive flight of stairs and effortlessly capture three to four Hot-Footed Frogs. Due to the presence of a railing, the frogs become trapped and are unable to flee. Regrettably, these frogs do not appear as frequently in this location compared to Hateno Village.

The highly acclaimed game, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, can be played on the Nintendo Switch platform.
