Zelda: Epic Musical Masterpiece Unveiled - Player Creates Mind-Blowing Gigantic Guitar!

Zelda: Epic Musical Masterpiece Unveiled - Player Creates Mind-Blowing Gigantic Guitar!

A passionate Zelda enthusiast constructs a jaw-dropping, colossal electric guitar using readily available construction materials within The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Prepare to be amazed by this extraordinary creation!


Link gains the Ultrahand power early in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which allows him to build vehicles and assist NPCs in quests.

Zealousideal_Ad1650, a player, constructed an impressive guitar using Zonai materials and large platforms within the game. Although the guitar does not have the capability to produce music, it serves as a striking exhibit that can be placed alongside a newly constructed house, further enhancing the limitless construction options available in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

A creative Zelda fan constructs a massive guitar using several large platforms and Zonai materials in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Once the player obtains the Ultrahand ability, they can immediately start attaching objects and building vehicles. This ability is particularly useful when trying to create the best possible house for Link.

Link obtains the Ultrahand power in one of the first four shrines on Great Sky Island in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Upon landing in Central Hyrule, players can utilize this new ability to support Hudson Construction signs for Addison and assist other non-playable characters in their quests. Furthermore, the Ultrahand can come in handy for solving puzzles scattered throughout Hyrule and its numerous shrines. Eventually, Link can utilize this ability to construct a house in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Zealousideal_Ad1650, a player of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, recently constructed a colossal guitar near a residential area by cleverly connecting large platforms and Zonai devices. The design of the guitar appears to be influenced by electric guitars, and Zealousideal_Ad1650 employed a series of Zonai Laser Device Beam Emitters to form the strings of the instrument. To serve as the guitar's bridge, a Zonai platform was strategically positioned at the end of the projected lasers. Notably, Zonai wheels were incorporated as controls for adjusting the volume and tone of this enormous guitar.

In a gameplay clip shared by Zealousideal_Ad1650, a photo of this immense guitar was captured and shared with the gaming community. Although the player did not disclose the specific location of the large platforms, other players of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom can easily acquire materials by utilizing Zonai device dispensers and exploring the realm of Hyrule. Additionally, employing materials from Hudson Construction, such as wooden planks and beams, can be advantageous when crafting smaller guitars.

The guitar in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom may not produce music, but it can serve as an impressive decorative piece beside a new house. However, players should take into account the ample space it requires, as it is comparable in size to a home.

The abundance of building materials and objects in the Hyrule sandbox offers limitless possibilities for construction in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. With upcoming DLC, Nintendo has a prime chance to introduce additional objects and materials, further inspiring players to explore and create new ideas.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available now for Nintendo Switch.