World of Warcraft Fans Unhappy with Color-Changing Transmog Set

World of Warcraft Fans Unhappy with Color-Changing Transmog Set

World of Warcraft players express their dissatisfaction with the Burden of Unrelenting Justice, a color-changing transmog set from the Trading Post, due to its time-based appearance alteration.


World of Warcraft fans are currently in an uproar over the Burden of Unrelenting Justice, a color-changing cosmetic reward obtained from the Trading Post. While initially perceived as an outstanding outfit, the discontent arises from the fact that the transmog set alters its appearance based on the time of day. This unexpected feature has left many players dissatisfied, prompting a wave of criticism within the World of Warcraft community.

color changing tiger mount ash'adar harbinger of the dawn from the first month of the trading post

color changing tiger mount ash'adar harbinger of the dawn from the first month of the trading post

Twitter article posted by World of Warcraft

Initial Excitement Turned Disappointment

At the start of this year, World of Warcraft introduced the Trading Post, an in-game store where players could purchase cosmetics using a special in-game currency. Among the offerings was the much-anticipated Burden of Unrelenting Justice, a transmog set that players could acquire by completing Trading Post tasks throughout the year. Despite the steep unlock requirements, players were initially thrilled at the prospect of obtaining a Warden outfit. This excitement led them to overlook their reservations and embark on a lengthy grind to obtain the coveted transmog set.

However, a year later, the elation has turned into disappointment as players discover an unexpected drawback of the Warden transmog set. A recent announcement by WoW revealed that the transmog set undergoes a color shift based on the server time, transitioning between green and gold during the day and white and silver at night. This quirky feature has sparked frustration among fans, as it makes it nearly impossible to coordinate the armor with other transmogs and removes the ability to choose a preferred color variant.

Acquiring the Burden of Unrelenting Justice

To obtain the Burden of Unrelenting Justice transmog set, World of Warcraft players must follow a specific set of requirements. These include maintaining an active subscription, completing the monthly Adventurer’s Log tasks for the Trading Post, and collecting the free reward. This process needs to be repeated for 12 months to earn the Trading Post Enthusiast achievement, which ultimately rewards players with the coveted transmog set. Notably, these 12 months do not need to be consecutive, providing players with some flexibility in obtaining the set.

Players who have diligently adhered to the Trading Post requirements without missing a month since its inception can begin acquiring the transmog set from January 2024. Additionally, the new Warden transmog set aligns with Ash’adar, Harbinger of the Dawn, a color-changing mount that was offered as a free reward during the Trading Post’s inaugural month. This unique feature, however, has not been well-received by players, as the unpredictable nature of the mount has led to dissatisfaction. Interestingly, the nighttime version of the spectral tiger mount retains the green and gold armor, failing to synchronize with the Burden of Unrelenting Justice.

Hope for Change

Given the discontent surrounding the Burden of Unrelenting Justice, players are expressing their desire for World of Warcraft to reconsider the design of the transmog set. Many hope for the transformation of the set into three separate transmogs, each representing a distinct hue, alongside a third variant that exhibits color-changing properties. The Wardens, an iconic and stylish faction within World of Warcraft, have long been admired by Night Elf players, who have eagerly anticipated the introduction of their armor as a transmog option. As such, the community is eagerly awaiting a potential revision of the Burden of Unrelenting Justice, in the hopes of addressing their concerns and enhancing their gaming experience.

World of Warcraft

Developer: Blizzard Entertainment - Genre: MMORPG

As a devoted fan of World of Warcraft, I am enthralled by its immersive and expansive virtual world. The game's rich lore, stunning graphics, and captivating gameplay keep me engaged for hours on end. I appreciate the plethora of challenging quests, dungeons, and raids that cater to both solo and group play, fostering a vibrant and supportive community. The constant updates and expansions inject fresh content, ensuring that there is always something new to explore. The well-developed classes and races allow for endless character customization, enabling players to truly make their mark on Azeroth. World of Warcraft remains a masterpiece, consistently delivering unforgettable experiences and cementing its status as a legendary MMORPG.