World of Warcraft Clarifies Bonus Trader's Tender Source

World of Warcraft Clarifies Bonus Trader's Tender Source

World of Warcraft has clarified the source of the bonus Trader's Tender that players have been receiving, dispelling confusion about its origin. Read on to find out how players can obtain this extra currency and what it means for the game.

Understanding the Bonus Trader's Tender

World of Warcraft recently clarified that the bonus Trader’s Tender players have been receiving this month is from the Trading Post Enthusiast achievement. Though it was not listed as a reward, players who collect their Traveler’s Log rewards for 12 months also receive 500 extra Trader’s Tender for use at the Trading Post in World of Warcraft.

The January catalog refresh for the Trading Post in World of Warcraft brought a new set of cosmetic rewards and Traveler’s Log activities to complete. However, as players began to finish their requisite tasks for the month, they received 500 extra Trader’s Tender than they were supposed to get. That said, some players didn’t get this extra currency, leading some to wonder if it was an unintentional glitch.

Now, World of Warcraft has clarified where these Trader’s Tender come from. In a forum post by World of Warcraft community manager Bornakk, WoW confirmed the Trader’s Tender stipend was actually an extra benefit from completing the Trading Post Enthusiast achievement, earned by finishing their Traveler’s Log for 12 months. The achievement does not currently list the Trader’s Tender as a reward for completing the achievement, but World of Warcraft is actively looking to correct this error.

Twitter article posted by Wowhead

Reactions and Speculations

Players were glad to get an answer as to where this currency was coming from. Many thought World of Warcraft had added it because of the lukewarm reception to this month’s free reward, but the fact that many players didn’t receive it made them worry it might have been a glitch. Now, players can look forward to getting this extra stipend of Trader’s Tender once they get the Trading Post Enthusiast achievement.

The Trading Post first went live in February 2023, so this January is the 12th month players can earn their free reward, meaning they can finally earn this achievement as of now. Players who missed a month somewhere in the last year will get this bonus 500 Trader’s Tender, as well as the Burden of Unrelenting Justice transmog, once they get their 12th reward, as the months do not have to be consecutive.

What’s more, after World of Warcraft releases Seeds of Renewal on January 16, they will receive two more versions of the Warden-themed cosmetic that do not change colors with the time of day.


In conclusion, the clarification from World of Warcraft regarding the source of the bonus Trader’s Tender has brought relief to many players who were puzzled by the unexpected currency and its origin. With the Trading Post Enthusiast achievement now identified as the source, players can look forward to earning this extra stipend once they complete their Traveler’s Log for 12 months. Additionally, the upcoming release of Seeds of Renewal promises even more exciting cosmetic rewards for players to enjoy.

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