Web of Intrigue: Marvel Snap's Jaw-Dropping Update Reveals Shocking Transformation of Spider-Man

Web of Intrigue: Marvel Snap's Jaw-Dropping Update Reveals Shocking Transformation of Spider-Man

Spider-Man's recent revamp in Marvel Snap has transformed him into a formidable in-game force, accurately capturing the essence of this beloved superhero


Spider-Man's Marvel Snap card has undergone a rework, making it feel more character-appropriate and letting Spidey fit in with the movement deck archetype.

Spider-Man's ability has been updated, now granting him the capability to teleport to a random location and draw an enemy card to that same location. This not only enables him to disrupt the enemy's strategies but also presents opportunities for him to enhance his own abilities.

The revamped Spider-Man card is highly adaptable, making it compatible with various decks, such as the Silver Surfer deck. This is due to its reduced cost and seamless synergy with other cards. This revamp serves as a noteworthy model for empowering other previously weak heroes within the game.

Marvel Snap finds itself in a peculiar position when it comes to portraying Marvel's most beloved heroes. Many of these heroes possess abilities that do not align well with their characters or are too weak to be effective in later stages of the game. Spider-Man, in particular, has always felt somewhat incomplete in his Marvel Snap form, until a recent update breathed new life into his card. Now, Spider-Man's rendition in Marvel Snap better captures the essence of his original character and allows him to seamlessly integrate with other Spider-Verse residents in the game.

Following Marvel Snap's Spider-Versus season, it has become evident that characters from the Spider-Verse are designed to fit into the movement deck archetype. Cards like Ghost-Spider, Miles Morales, and Spider-Man 2099 all contribute to or benefit from decks centered around card movement. Ironically, the original Spider-Man himself did not align with this archetype and typically found his place in control and lockdown decks. However, through a series of adjustments, Spider-Man has emerged as a formidable and versatile threat within the movement archetype.

Spider-Man’s Marvel Snap Rework Does a Better Job Representing the Hero

Web of Intrigue: Marvel Snap's Jaw-Dropping Update Reveals Shocking Transformation of Spider-Man

Marvel Snap's Spider-Man card originally had a 4-Cost/2-Power with the On Reveal ability. This ability prevented opponents from playing at that location on their next turn. The card underwent several balancing changes, increasing its Power to 3 and changing to a 5-Cost/4-Power before reaching its current state.

In the latest Marvel Snap update, Spider-Man's card was further modified. It is now a 3-Cost/5-Power card with a completely reworked ability. This new ability allows Spider-Man to move to a random location upon reveal and pull an enemy card from the location he was played onto the same one he moves to.

This revamped ability enhances Spider-Man's synergy with other Spider-Verse cards that have movement-based abilities. Although he does not activate cards benefiting from movement, such as Ghost-Spider, Spider-Man can serve as a dual threat. He can boost cards like Kraven by moving to their location while also disrupting opponents' strategies by moving their cards to random locations. Players can create significant disruptions by pairing Spider-Man with Wong, allowing for twice the movement opportunities. Alternatively, players can take a risk by pairing Spider-Man with Kingpin. This pairing allows them to potentially sacrifice their Spider-Man card to destroy one of their opponent's key cards.

The new Spider-Man not only fits perfectly with the movement archetype but also benefits from a reduced Cost of 3, allowing him to be used effectively in a Silver Surfer deck. In this deck, Spider-Man can take advantage of Silver Surfer's ability which grants +2 Power to each 3-Cost card. Adding Spider-Man to this type of deck will give him the power boost provided by Silver Surfer's On Reveal ability. Previously, Spider-Man's high Cost limited his usage to the final turns of the match, but now his increased flexibility makes it much easier to include him in various Marvel Snap decks.

Although some players may miss using Spider-Man in lockdown decks with Professor X or as a follow-up to Galactus, the overall change brings more benefits to the hero. Not only is Spider-Man now a more versatile card, but his ability better reflects his powers in the Marvel universe and makes one of Marvel's most iconic heroes feel more impactful in the game. Captain America and Doctor Strange are also in need of updates, and the changes made to Spider-Man in Marvel Snap are a promising indication that other iconic-yet-underpowered heroes will receive the attention they deserve in a future update.

Marvel Snap is available for PC and mobile devices.