Unveiling the Unexpected: Why Baldur's Gate 3 Blew Away Our Blind Players

Unveiling the Unexpected: Why Baldur's Gate 3 Blew Away Our Blind Players

A regretful player of Baldur's Gate 3 shares a cautionary story of an avoidable mishap, highlighting the importance of attentiveness and avoiding blind gameplay Dive into their humorous yet insightful account of lessons learned in this epic RPG adventure

One player of Baldur's Gate 3 recently took to social media to share a humorous story of a major mistake they made while playing the game. This mistake could have easily been avoided if they had been paying attention or had some prior knowledge of the game. This experience adds to the growing list of stories about players regretting their actions in Baldur's Gate 3.

Note: Spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3 up to the end of Act 2 are included in the following content. While there are countless different endings in Baldur's Gate 3, most of them can only be achieved by reaching the conclusion of Act 3. However, there is one ending that can be unlocked in Act 2 by convincing Gale to sacrifice himself in the Mind Flayer colony beneath Moonrise Towers. This action causes him to activate the Netherese Orb trapped in his chest, resulting in the immediate eradication of the Dead Three and the Netherbrain. The game's narrator does not hesitate to inform players that this was not the optimal outcome, describing it as "an ending, of sorts, but not the one destiny had in store for you."

Reddit user megaderp675, oblivious to the hints, mistakenly believed they had completed Baldur's Gate 3 by sacrificing multiple characters. Expressing their own stupidity, they questioned if anyone else had made the same error. Though numerous comments were generated by the anecdote, no fans admitted to doing so. Many players did admit to reaching this ending as their first, but quickly realized there was more to the game. The player who made the mistake did not specify how long they persisted in their belief that Baldur's Gate 3 lacked a third act. While some fans found the story hard to believe, it is not entirely implausible.

Specifically, while Baldur's Gate 3 offers unique game over screens for players who make significant mistakes, detonating Gale in Act 2 does not fall into that category. In fact, instead of triggering a special game over screen, the game ends with the credits rolling and awards the player the Hero of the Forgotten Realms achievement. This achievement is typically obtained by achieving the good ending in Act 3. Therefore, it is not unreasonable for someone who is momentarily distracted and not paying attention to the narrator after Gale activates the Netherese Orb to mistakenly believe that they have completed the game.

Baldur's Gate 3 is currently available on PC and PS5. An Xbox Series X/S version is expected to be released in late 2023.