Unveiling the True Chosen One: The Ultimate Controversial Jedi Pick That's Rocking Star Wars Fandom

Unveiling the True Chosen One: The Ultimate Controversial Jedi Pick That's Rocking Star Wars Fandom

Filoni ignites fierce discussion among Star Wars enthusiasts on the true identity of the greatest Jedi in history - Anakin Skywalker Dive into the controversy surrounding this legendary character

Dave Filoni, the filmmaker responsible for numerous Star Wars projects including the upcoming Ahsoka series, ignited an online debate with his depiction of Anakin Skywalker. Filoni initially joined Lucasfilm to work on Star Wars: The Clone Wars, where he became a protégé of George Lucas himself. Since then, he has played a key role in the creation of Star Wars Rebels, delved into the New Republic era in The Mandalorian and Ahsoka, and is even working on his own movie in collaboration with Jon Favreau. As a result of his extensive involvement, Filoni is widely regarded as an authoritative figure on all matters related to Star Wars.

Recently, Lucasfilm released a "Journey to Ahsoka" special, during which Filoni shared an unexpected statement—referring to Ahsoka Tano as the apprentice of the greatest Jedi ever to exist. Naturally, this remark spurred a lively conversation among Star Wars enthusiasts, who took to social media to express their own opinions and advocate for various candidates deserving of the esteemed title. Whether fans championed the strongest Force wielders or other influential peacekeepers throughout the franchise, Filoni's comments undeniably sparked a broader dialogue about the true identity of the greatest Jedi in history.

Is Anakin Skywalker Really The Greatest Jedi Of All Time?

Unveiling the True Chosen One: The Ultimate Controversial Jedi Pick That's Rocking Star Wars Fandom

Filoni's comments sparked a debate about whether Anakin is truly the greatest Jedi ever. Some agree with Filoni, like user DaNotoriousVIC_, who agrees that "Anakin truly was the best Jedi... he fulfilled Qui-Gon's expectations." User TooFlyTyy also believes that Anakin being the greatest Jedi is the main theme of the Skywalker Saga.

However, not everyone is convinced. Some argue that greatness goes beyond power, as stated by user carlmeowner: "In what aspect? Strength, perhaps. But in terms of upholding the Jedi Code? Definitely not." This refers to Anakin's dark actions in Revenge of the Sith, which many believe disqualify him as the greatest Jedi.

Another Star Wars fan who shares the same opinion believes that Anakin's actions, particularly the killing of the Jedi younglings, undermine his stature as the ultimate Jedi in the Order. However, several other Star Wars fans have engaged in arguments to assert that Jedi such as Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Yoda surpass Anakin in the Jedi hierarchy. Nonetheless, it is important to note that opinions on this matter are subjective, and filmmaker Dave Filoni, who has been involved with the franchise for a long time, perceives Anakin Skywalker as the embodiment of what the Jedi should represent in a distant galaxy.