Unveiling the Spectacular Planetary Charm of Star Wars Outlaws: A Boundless Adventure Awaits!

Unveiling the Spectacular Planetary Charm of Star Wars Outlaws: A Boundless Adventure Awaits!

Star Wars Outlaws' meticulously handcrafted planets infuse a vibrant sense of life into its galaxy, setting it apart from Starfield Prepare for thrilling expeditions and captivating missions, as each planet offers an unmatched level of engagement


Introducing handcrafted planets in Star Wars Outlaws, an immersive and captivating galaxy where storytelling and gameplay take center stage, trumping procedural generation.

In contrast to their lesser number, the planets in Star Wars Outlaws have been meticulously designed with meticulous attention to detail, comparable to the expanse of two regions in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. This affords players the chance to explore vibrant environments brimming with adventure at every turn.

Star Wars Outlaws differentiates itself from other games by incorporating handcrafted worlds for a more immersive gaming experience. Unlike procedurally generated planets found in Starfield, Ubisoft's decision to create unique and detailed planets in Star Wars Outlaws allows for a more realistic and vibrant galaxy. This distinction between the two games' planetary design is a significant advantage for Ubisoft.

Predestined Planets Could Make Star Wars Outlaws’ Galaxy Feel More Alive

By personally crafting each planet for Star Wars Outlaws, Ubisoft can customize every location and encounter to emphasize storytelling and gameplay, rather than relying on procedural generation in hopes of creating engaging encounters. This meticulous attention to detail will be a perfect match for the game's universe, resulting in unique worlds and missions that stay true to the franchise's roots. This will ensure that the adventures of scoundrel Kay Vess are just as thrilling as those of her silver-screen Star Wars counterparts.

Unveiling the Spectacular Planetary Charm of Star Wars Outlaws: A Boundless Adventure Awaits!

In terms of planet exploration, Star Wars Outlaws may not have the vastness of Bethesda's expansive Starfield. However, what it lacks in quantity, it compensates for in quality. According to Ubisoft, each planet in Star Wars Outlaws is approximately equivalent to two regions or zones in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. This provides ample space for the developer to incorporate detailed environmental storytelling and exciting adventure opportunities. Additionally, the handcrafted nature of each planet ensures that every element the player encounters is painstakingly designed to create an unparalleled immersive experience.

Not only will the meticulous attention to detail in the planets Kay Vess explores in Star Wars Outlaws result in more intricately designed environments for players to venture into, but it will also create a galaxy that feels more vibrant and realistic. While most of the planets Vess encounters are expected to be inhabited by non-player characters who may aid or hinder her in her mission, Todd Howard from Bethesda recently revealed that only 10% of the planets in Starfield will have inhabitants. While this focus on scientific accuracy may make Starfield's galaxy appear more desolate in comparison to Star Wars Outlaws, it could also evoke a sense of solitude for players in the vast expanses of space.

Star Wars Outlaws’ Handcrafted Planets Can Allow for More Engaging Missions

Unveiling the Spectacular Planetary Charm of Star Wars Outlaws: A Boundless Adventure Awaits!

In contrast to Starfield's 1000+ planets generated through procedural methods, Bethesda's sci-fi RPG incorporates a similar approach in assembling non-story missions on the go. While this impressive quest generation system may result in repetitive side quests, Massive Entertainment brings a fresh perspective with Star Wars Outlaws. By capitalizing on the distinctive geography and layout of each planet, they have the opportunity to create missions that not only advance the storyline but also provide players with a deeper understanding of the respective planets.

Focusing on smaller, handcrafted worlds could bring unexpected benefits to Star Wars Outlaws. By creating a tightly focused universe, Massive Entertainment could help the game avoid common pitfalls seen in Ubisoft's open-world titles. Carefully designed areas and missions that utilize environmental storytelling could give Star Wars Outlaws a fresh take on the traditional Ubisoft formula.

Although gamers will have to wait until 2024 to play Star Wars Outlaws, it is already clear that Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment are dedicated to creating a purposeful universe. While it may not have as many explorable planets as Bethesda's Starfield, the handcrafted nature of each location will set Star Wars Outlaws apart from the competition and make its open-world debut truly memorable.

Star Wars Outlaws is expected to release in 2024.