Unveiling the Sinister Secrets Hidden Within Skyrim's Moons

Unveiling the Sinister Secrets Hidden Within Skyrim's Moons

The mysterious creation of Skyrim's two moons evokes a sense of eerie intrigue among its diverse cultures and races, with one theory shrouded in tragic origins


The Elder Scrolls franchise has rich lore with different cultures and races offering their own interpretations of events, such as the origin of the two moons in Skyrim.

The origins of the two moons, Masser and Secunda, are closely tied to the creation of Mundus, the mortal realm of Tamriel, and are attributed to the god Lorkhan.

Different theories and disagreements exist regarding the source of these moons, with some suggesting they formed as a result of Lorkhan's demise, while others assert their pre-existing existence.

The lore found in every game of The Elder Scrolls series is incredibly rich and immersive. It spans a wide range of subjects, from major historical events like wars to intricate astrological phenomena such as the presence of two moons in Skyrim and previous installments. One of the remarkable aspects of TES lore is its organic nature, allowing for multiple explanations and interpretations of events depending on the culture or race being asked. Each group has its own unique viewpoint on the existence of the two moons and how they came to orbit their planet.

The majority of The Elder Scrolls games take place within Tamriel, an expansive continent situated on the planet Nirn. The different provinces within Tamriel include Skyrim, Morrowind, Cyrodiil, Black Marsh, Elsweyr, Hammerfell, High Rock, Valenwood, and The Summerset Isles. This world is considered the plane where mortal races reside and is part of the realm known as Mundus, which is shared with other Aedric planets like Akatosh, Mara, and Dibella. Nirn itself is home to two moons, universally referred to as Masser and Secunda, which have origins that directly tie into the creation of Mundus.

The Possibly Eerie Origin of Skyrim’s Two Moons

Unveiling the Sinister Secrets Hidden Within Skyrim's Moons

When gazing skyward during the night in Skyrim and previous TES games, players are treated to the sight of two enchanting moons, Masser and Secunda, positioned closely together. Masser, the larger of the two, is twice the size of its counterpart. The origins of these celestial bodies have been the subject of various explanations, with one popular theory linking them to Lorkhan, a significant figure in the creation of Mundus.

According to the lore of the franchise, Lorkhan is the offspring of Padomay, representing the primal forces of change and chaos. He managed to persuade, and in certain accounts, deceive the other gods into aiding him in the formation of Mundus, a mortal realm where they could introspect and contemplate the meaning of their existence.

The et'Ada, known as gods, sacrificed parts of themselves for this purpose. Among them, Magnus, the architect of Mundus, grew dissatisfied with its imperfections and departed. The remaining et'Ada chose to sustain their creations. Some became Earthbones, governing the laws of nature on each planet, while others took on mortal forms and brought forth new generations of beings, now known as the mortal races.

The other gods, feeling betrayed by Lorkhan for various reasons, were especially resentful due to losing much of their power during the creation of Mundus. Some even unexpectedly became mortal. Auri-El, angered by the separation of his creations, the elves, from eternity, sought the assistance of fellow et'Ada to slay Lorkhan. This led to a bloody war between Auri-El and Lorkhan's forces.

Auri-El emerged triumphant as his knight Trinimac forcibly removed Lorkhan's heart from his chest. Auri-El then flung the organ into the sea with such force that it resulted in the creation of the Red Mountain. According to the Theory of Lunar Lorkhan, the lifeless god's flesh morphed into the dual moons, Masser and Secunda. An alternative interpretation of this theory suggests that Lorkhan, akin to other et'Adas, transformed into a planet within Mundus but fractured into two moons, representing the conflicting duality of good and evil, existence and nothingness.

However, various stories and theories challenge this notion, including the Khajiit belief that the moons preexisted Lorkhan's demise. They claim that a third moon, visible during the eclipse of both Masser and Secunda, is Lorkhan's actual corpse. Armed with this knowledge, some players may find themselves either frightened or awestruck by the sight of the divine remains whenever they gaze upon the picturesque moons of Skyrim.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available now on the Nintendo Switch, PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.