Unveiling the Latest Duplication Glitch in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom players uncover yet another duplication glitch allowing them to duplicate coveted items indefinitely, despite multiple patches released to fix the issue
Players of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom have discovered various methods to duplicate inventory items since its release. Unfortunately, Nintendo's efforts to address these glitches through patches have not been successful. It should be noted that the following may contain minor spoilers for the game.
Players have wasted no time in delving into every aspect of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, despite the game being less than a month old. From finding ways to cheese boss fights and dungeons to hilarious navigational techniques, the game has been thoroughly explored. However, one of the most notable discoveries has been the ability to duplicate items in the player's inventory, allowing them to stockpile whatever they need without searching for it. While the method for doing this changes each time, it often involves lots of pausing and menu selection while holding the desired items to clone. Gaming Reinvented posted a video demonstrating a method that involves standing near the slope of Tobio's Hollow Chasm with a multi-shot bow, fusing the material of choice to the arrow and aiming at the tip of the stalactite ahead. The fused item will then duplicate and freeze in midair, although the arrows will disappear completely. This technique is especially useful for late-game players who need to stockpile items quickly.
Quick reflexes are necessary to catch suspended items before they fall into the abyss, but players can block them with obstacles if they choose. Crafting wild vehicles makes it easier to catch the cloned items before Link does. It is important to note that this exploit allows players to collect up to four of the same material at the cost of only one. Multi-shot bows consume only one arrow and one piece of material at a time. However, Nintendo may patch out this exploit soon since they addressed a different glitch via a Day 1 update, and the game is already on Version 1.1.2 after less than a month on the market. The developers also took fan feedback into account when constructing certain aspects of Breath of the Wild.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available now for Nintendo Switch.