Unveiling the Epic Finale of Foundation Season 2

Unveiling the Epic Finale of Foundation Season 2

Uncover the mind-bending twists of Foundation Season 2's finale as we delve into the shocking implications of Salvor Hardin's death, Brother Day's demise, and the mysterious future of Terminus Discover how Demerzel's acquisition of the Prime Radiant changes everything, foreshadowing an epic Season 3 storyline based on the beloved books

WARNING: This contains SPOILERS for Foundation season 2, episode 10, and the Foundation books.


In the season 2 finale of Foundation, it is revealed that Demerzel is the true identity behind the Empire, controlling all Cleons born after the initial one. However, despite this revelation, Demerzel's robot persona remains in bondage. The finale concludes with a significant 152-year leap into the future, foreshadowing an impending conflict between the remaining Empire forces and the Foundation, with the notorious Mule emerging as a prominent antagonist.

Salvor Hardin's death exemplifies the possibility of altering the future, thus challenging the accuracy of Gaal's visions. In the finale of season 2 of Foundation, the clash between the Foundation and the Empire unfolds, emphasizing the significance of Demerzel and indicating the Mule as the primary antagonist in the upcoming season. Building upon Isaac Asimov's Foundation books, the second season of the series blends elements from the original short stories with Foundation and Empire and Second Foundation. Similar to the previous episodes, the finale of Foundation season 2 deviates significantly from the source material, hinting at new plotlines for season 3 that diverge from the books.

In Foundation season 2, episode 10, it was revealed that Demerzel is the true Empire, a fact that the series had been gradually uncovering. Contrary to the belief that every Cleon since the first one was in control, they were actually being manipulated by Demerzel, even though the robot herself was never truly free. The episode also showed that Demerzel was responsible for hiring assassins to target Brother Day, which was part of a meticulously planned scheme to eventually frame Queen Sareth for the attempted assassination. Furthermore, the season finale witnessed the heroic sacrifice of Salvor Hardin, who gave his life to protect Gaal from gunfire. All three Cleons have now been replaced, and Gaal, having entered cryosleep, is embarking on a journey 152 years into the future.

Foundation Season 2’s Ending Time Jump & Season 3 Setup Explained

Unveiling the Epic Finale of Foundation Season 2

Foundation season 2 concludes with a 152-year leap forward in time, immersing viewers in the midst of the epic war between the remnants of the Empire and the Foundation. In this pivotal scene, audiences are introduced to "The Mule," a mentalic who poses a formidable threat to the Foundation. According to Gaal's vision, The Mule was destined to eliminate Salvor Hardin 152 years later. Despite Salvor's premature demise, it appears that little has changed. The galaxy remains embroiled in conflict, with The Mule potentially leading the remnants of the Empire against the Foundation. However, it seems that The Mule harbors a fear of Gaal Dornick.

In the gripping finale of Foundation season 2, both Gaal and Hari enter cryosleep chambers with the intention of waking up once a year to guide the mentalics and the Second Foundation. The concept behind Gaal's cryosleep was to ensure her survival 152 years into the future, a crucial juncture in Hari Seldon's master plan. The concluding scene of Foundation season 2 confirms the success of this endeavor, confirming that Gaal will confront The Mule's forces in the future. As for Hari Seldon's existence during this period of the Foundation timeline, it remains uncertain. Foundation season 3 will likely delve into the events that unfolded over those 152 years.

What Salvor Hardin’s Death Means For Foundation Season 3

Unveiling the Epic Finale of Foundation Season 2

Salvor Hardin's demise occurs in Episode 10 of Season 2 of Foundation. Throughout the season, Salvor's death had been foreshadowed from the very beginning. Specifically, Gaal's vision had predicted Salvor's death to happen 152 years later. In this vision, Salvor would meet his demise at the hands of the Mule, an event that Hari Seldon deemed to be unalterable. Gaal's visions went beyond mere mathematical predictions; she was tapping into memories belonging to her future self. Thus, the fact that Salvor Hardin's death came about 152 years earlier than anticipated signifies the possibility of changing the future. Gaal's visions are not always bound to come true.

How Brother Day Was Killed In Foundation Season 2’s Finale

Unveiling the Epic Finale of Foundation Season 2

In the gripping finale of Foundation season 2, the unfortunate demise of Cleon XVII, the reigning Brother Day, took place. The Empire, fueled by vengeance, launched a brutal assault on the Foundation by unleashing the devastating power of the Invictus, obliterating the surface of Terminus. While initially obedient to Cleon's commands, Riose and the rest of the fleet ultimately refused to partake in this senseless bloodshed. Brother Day's destructive ambitions knew no bounds as he aimed to annihilate all seven planets claimed by the Foundation, despite their lack of genuine threat. Unexpectedly, it was Cleon himself who faced a grim fate, ejected into the abyss of space, believing he had emerged victorious against Riose. Yet, in a stunning turn of events, Riose cunningly exploited Hober Mallow's casting device, seamlessly swapping places with Cleon just fractions of a second prior to the shuttle door opening.

Where Brother Dawn & Sareth Are Going

Unveiling the Epic Finale of Foundation Season 2

Brother Dawn came to the realization that Demerzel intended to eliminate him and Sareth, just as she had done to Brother Dusk. Remaining faithful to her duty of safeguarding the Empire and the Genetic Dynasty, Demerzel would never permit any of the Cleons to marry and produce an heir. Sareth faced execution for hiring the assassins who targeted Day, and Dawn was destined for the same fate. However, through clever maneuvering, Dawn and Sareth managed to successfully evade Trantor together. Their impending parenthood could potentially pose a threat to Demerzel's Empire. Nevertheless, Dawn and Sareth exhibit no ambition for the throne, and it is probable that they will raise their child far from the reaches of the Empire.

What Empire’s Three New Cleons Mean For Demerzel’s Plan

Unveiling the Epic Finale of Foundation Season 2

Demerzel has selected three fresh Cleons to assume leadership of the Empire. This marks the first instance in the history of the Genetic Dynasty where all three Cleons need to be replaced simultaneously. Brother Day tragically perished during the assault on Terminus, while Brother Dusk met his demise at the hands of Demerzel, and Brother Dawn sought refuge in Trentor. Unlike their predecessors, these new Cleons may remain oblivious to the true identity of Demerzel as the genuine Empress. She will skillfully shape and direct them, ensuring that the mistakes of the previous Cleons are not repeated. Despite the series of events, Demerzel's Empire persists.

Demerzel Now Has The Prime Radiant (& It Changes Everything)

Unveiling the Epic Finale of Foundation Season 2

Demezerl now possesses the Prime Radiant – the very one that resided with Hari Seldon within the Vault on Terminus. This extraordinary artifact comprises all of Hari Seldon's calculations pertaining to the future of the galaxy, encompassing predictions for the occurrence of each impending crisis. As Seldon's Prime Radiant has the ability to exist in multiple locations simultaneously, it stands as the most pivotal relic within the entire galaxy. Transcending the limitations of a mere database, this computer-like entity surpasses three-dimensional boundaries and has the potential to revolutionize the Empire. The conjunction of Demezerl's intellect with the Prime Radiant's vast knowledge shall render the Galactic Empire more formidable than ever before.

How Terminus' Citizens Are Still Alive In Foundation Season 2’s Finale

Unveiling the Epic Finale of Foundation Season 2

Upon reaching the surface of Terminus, the Invictus triggered a singularity that brought about the complete annihilation of the planet. Surprisingly, in one of the final scenes of Foundation season 2, it was unveiled that the inhabitants of Terminus miraculously survived. Hari Seldon eloquently explained that the destruction of Terminus was necessary for the preservation of the Foundation. Just moments before the planet erupted into oblivion, the all-powerful Vault intervened, utilizing its ability to transform and generate matter, ensuring the salvation of every individual. The original Foundation now resides within the confines of this enigmatic Vault. The future destination of the Vault remains uncertain, while it is crucial to bear in mind that Hari Seldon was never meant to possess knowledge of the existence of the second Foundation.

What Foundation Season 3's Story Could Be (Based On The Books)

Unveiling the Epic Finale of Foundation Season 2

Foundation season 2 brought significant changes to the source material, making it difficult to predict what will occur in season 3 based on Asimov's Foundation novels. However, some insight can be gleaned from the ending of season 2. The Foundation managed to survive the second crisis, although it differed greatly from the book. Rather than a small-scale conflict between Terminus and Anacreon, the crisis in season 2 set the stage for a war between the Empire and the Foundation. In the book, the third crisis explores the shift from the Foundation's focus on science to an era of trade, featuring the important role of Hober Mallow.

Unfortunately, Hober Mallow met his demise in the finale of Foundation season 2. Also, a portion of the transition from science to commerce was already covered in season 2, indicating that the third Seldon Crisis in season 3 may not align with the book. Foundation season 2 incorporated elements from the series' prequels and sequels. The Second Foundation has already emerged, and the character of the Mule, who only appears in the second book, has already been introduced in the show. Consequently, if Foundation season 3 is produced, it will likely blend the remaining original Foundation short stories with elements from the sequels. It is even possible that the fall of the Empire could take place in Foundation season 3.