Unveiling Pokémon's Best-Kept Secret: The Anime's Exclusive Uncatchable Pokémon Type

Unveiling Pokémon's Best-Kept Secret: The Anime's Exclusive Uncatchable Pokémon Type

The Pokémon anime exclusively unveils the uncatchable Rotom Dex as an Electric-Type, introducing a fascinating twist to its abilities and characteristics

In an unusual turn of events in the Pokémon anime, fans were given an intriguing new piece of information about a Pokémon that is normally absent from the Pokédex. This revelation occurred due to a unique circumstance.

The seventh generation Pokémon games, Sun and Moon, introduced a novel form of Pokédex called the Rotom Dex. True to its name, the Rotom Dex houses the Pokémon Rotom within it, as Rotom possesses the ability to inhabit electronic devices. This feature grants the Rotom Dex the ability to communicate and guide players. In the anime, Ash also receives a Rotom Dex while in Alola, and several episodes are dedicated to exploring its role as a character. However, in the games, it is impossible to capture a Rotom Dex within a Poké Ball and utilize it in battles. Thus, it stands out as a rare example of a Pokémon form that players cannot truly possess.

The Rotom Dex is Revealed as an Electric-Type

Unveiling Pokémon's Best-Kept Secret: The Anime's Exclusive Uncatchable Pokémon Type

Upon Ash's departure from Alola, he left the Rotom Dex behind and acquired a new device called the Rotom Phone, which comes equipped with a Pokédex app. However, on his return to Alola, a fascinating encounter occurred between the Rotom Phone and the Rotom Dex. The Rotom Phone scanned the Rotom Dex, revealing that it is solely an Electric-type, distinct from Rotom itself and its various forms, which possess an Electric type plus another type related to the specific machine they inhabit.

It is intriguing that the Rotom Dex was assigned a typing despite its inability to engage in battles. Nevertheless, the entire scene seems orchestrated to address the curiosity of fans who had pondered over the typing of a Rotom Dex. It does make logical sense for it to be classified as a pure Electric-type, as by inhabiting the Dex, Rotom no longer retains its ghostly characteristics. Furthermore, the Dex lacks any exceptional attributes that could warrant a secondary typing, such as the Flying type possessed by the Fan Rotom. Hence, its original Electric typing is confirmed in this particular episode.

In the Pokémon video games, the Rotom Dex is not available for players to own and use. However, thanks to Ash Ketchum, fans were able to discover its type. The Pokémon anime doesn't frequently disclose such details, making the revelation of Rotom Dex's typing quite exciting.