Unveiling Hober Mallow: The Key Foundation Season 2 Character Revealed
Hober Mallow, a crucial character in Foundation season 2, holds the key to saving the Foundation Discover the actor who portrays him and delve into his story in Isaac Asimov's Foundation books Exciting revelations await!
WARNING: This article contains SPOILERS for Foundation season 2. In episode 2, the show introduces an important character from the original Foundation book named Hober Mallow, whose presence has the potential to greatly impact Terminus and the entire Foundation. "A Glimpse of Darkness" reveals that the show's interpretation of the Second Crisis diverges significantly from the book. Gaal Dornick and Salvor Hardin gain knowledge from the future, while the First Foundation in Terminus becomes aware of Hober Mallow. As the Empire looms closer, Foundation season 2 also begins to establish the presence of the Second Foundation amidst the religious era of the First Foundation.
Episode 2 of Foundation season 2 highlights how the Foundation has transformed its advanced technology into a religious system aimed at expanding its influence over new planets, effectively creating what can be described as a new empire. Despite possessing superior technology compared to nearby peripheral kingdoms, the Foundation employs the Scientism strategy to forge stronger connections with these planets. The character Hari Seldon now assumes the role of a prophet, preaching about the Galactic Spirit, and his return from the Vault is treated as a sacred event. However, it is revealed that Seldon did not actually emerge from the Vault. In his final moments, Warder Jaegger implores others to "...find Hober Mallow."
Who Is Hober Mallow?
Hober Mallow, a merchant from the planet Smyrno, made his first appearance in Isaac Asimov's "The Merchant Princes," the fifth and final short story of the original Foundation novel. This story takes place over 75 years after the events of Foundation's Second Seldon Crisis, which is currently being covered in Foundation season 2. The timeline of the Foundation show has diverged significantly from that of the Foundation book, making it difficult to directly compare Hober Mallow's story in the books with his representation in Foundation season 2. In the book, Mallow becomes a prominent figure approximately 150 years after the creation of the First Foundation.
In the Foundation show, more than 150 years have already passed since Hari Seldon's death, yet the Second Seldon Crisis has just begun. Although the show's timeline may differ from the books, it is evident that Hober Mallow will play a significant role in Foundation, potentially spanning hundreds of years. Gaal Dornick's vision from 150 years into the future mentions Hober Mallow in relation to the Mule, a character who is more closely tied to Mallow than Gaal or Salvor in the books. However, Mallow is also expected to have involvement in the present-day storylines.
Why Hari Seldon Needs Hober Mallow To Save The Foundation
Warden Jaegger, who died in the second episode of the second season of Foundation, met his demise while trying to enter the Vault. Prior to his unfortunate end, he had requested the people of Terminus to search for Hober Mallow. This request nearly confirms the existence of Mallow during this particular point in the Foundation series' timeline, marking a significant deviation from the original books. In the Foundation novel, Mallow plays a crucial role in leveraging commerce for the Foundation's benefit. However, in the second season of Foundation, the storyline is still centered around the religious era of Hari Seldon's plan. It will be intriguing to witness how Hober Mallow integrates into the present-day narrative of the show in its second season.
In Foundation season 2, there are currently two versions of Hari Seldon's consciousness, but they seem to have a connection. The version of Hari Seldon who is with Gaal and Salvor, known as the Hari Seldon from the Prime Radiant, discovered the significance of Hober Mallow through Gaal's vision. After Gaal glimpsed her future self and learned about Hober Mallow, the Vault in Terminus was activated. Surprisingly, Hari Seldon's consciousness did not manifest. Instead, it appears that the Vault spoke through Warden Jaegger and urged the Foundation to locate Hober Mallow. The Vault's appearance underwent a transformation, and Mellow's name was inscribed on it.
Hober Mallow plays a significant role in the original Foundation book, establishing the Foundation's power and influence over the galaxy with a different strategy than Salvor Hardin. Despite this, both strategies align with Hari Seldon's Plan. The reason behind Seldon's decision to involve Mallow in the Foundation during its religious era remains a mystery. In Foundation season 2, episode 2, Foundation members spread the teachings of the prophet Hari Seldon and the Galactic Spirit on other planets. This aspect of Seldon's Plan highlights the importance of the Foundation's Scientism.
Considering the deviations in the Foundation show's timeline compared to the books, the Foundation's religious era may not be extensively explored. It has been over 138 years since the First Seldon Crisis. Seldon may anticipate the short-lived nature of the Foundation's Scientism, thus requiring a new strategy. However, based on the book, Salvor Hardin and the Foundation's Scientism are expected to play a significant role in the Second Crisis.
Who Plays Hober Mallow In Foundation Season 2?
Hober Mallow's Story In Isaac Asimov's Foundation Books (Book Spoilers)
Dimitri Leonidas portrays Hober Mallow in the second season of Foundation. Known for his notable performances in Sinbad, Riviera, and The One, Leonidas brings his talent to the character of Mallow. Despite references to Mallow in episode 2 of season 2, he does not make an appearance. However, it has been announced that Leonidas will make his debut as Hober Mallow in episode 3. While Gaal first learns about Mallow during her future vision, it is expected that he will become a significant part of the present-day timeline as both the Foundation and Gaal start searching for him.
Initially a master trader, Hober Mallow played a pivotal role in expanding the Foundation's influence through commerce. He skillfully negotiated business deals within the Foundation and also with non-Foundation planets, facilitating the spread of Foundation territories across the galaxy. Despite his vital contribution, Hober Mallow was not a formal member of the Foundation initially. Rather, he focused on crafting deals that served his own interests. Recognizing that the Foundation's reliance on Scientism had limitations, Mallow advocated for a different approach to consolidate its power – commerce.
When Hober Mallow was dispatched to Korell by the Foundation to investigate the disappearance of nuclear-powered ships, he attempted to establish an alliance without relying on the Hari Seldon religion. In contrast to Salvor Hardin, who utilized Foundation priests to expand the new empire, Mallow utilized business negotiations to resolve crises and forge alliances. Initially, Mallow's strategy was rejected by the First Foundation. However, in the long run, his commercial approach proved to be successful.
Over time, commerce superseded Scientism as the Foundation's primary method of expanding its influence to new planets. Hober Mallow assumed the position of mayor of Terminus, which, in Apple TV+'s Foundation series, has been altered to "warden of Terminus." Even after his demise, Hober Mallow continued to impact the Foundation's storyline, particularly in the short story "The General" from Foundation and Empire. Foundation season 2 combines elements from "The Mayors," "The Merchant Princes," and "The General" to create an original narrative with a distinct timeline compared to the books.