Unravel the Mystery of Zelda's Eighth Quest: A Guide to Finding the Orbs

Uncover the mystery of the Gerudo's oldest legend in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's eighth quest Follow Link's journey to find the seven missing orbs in this comprehensive guide Discover the hidden locations and secrets to entering the secret chamber and the statue of the eighth heroine room
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Exploring the Secrets of the Gerudo Region in Tears of the KingdomThe Gerudo region in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is shrouded in mystery with hidden artifacts and secrets waiting to be discovered by Link. Covered by a massive sandstorm upon first arrival, the area's intrigue is heightened as it slowly unveils its secrets. Unlocking the Seven Heroines quest line, a revered Gerudo legend, becomes possible once the storm subsides and leads Link on an unforgettable journey.
This quest line starts with the discovery of a possible eighth heroine in "The Heroines' Secret." Upon completion, Link is led to "The Mysterious Eighth," which picks up where the previous quest ended. This guide will provide the precise locations of each orb that Link must locate, as well as what happens when he uncovers the truth about the existence of the eighth heroine.
How to Begin The Mysterious Eighth in Tears of the Kingdom
After completing "The Heroines' Secret," Link can embark on a new quest called "The Mysterious Eighth." Rotana, the Gerudo who aided Link in the previous quest, will guide him to a room containing seven statues of heroines. This chamber serves as the starting point for the new adventure.
Rotana hands over the small orb that was lying at her feet during "The Heroines' Secret" to Link, revealing that each of the seven orbs scattered throughout the Gerudo region contains the spirit of a heroine. The symbol etched on the orb matches the one on a statue, which Link can place in its rightful spot using Ultrahand. However, there are six more orbs that he must uncover to complete the set.
Two orbs can be found inside the shelter, while the other four are located in Gerudo Town and Kara Kara Bazaar. Link has the opportunity to obtain two orbs before resolving the sand storm, but completing "Riju of Gerudo Town" is necessary to accomplish the mission and lift the storm. Once the mission is completed, the Gerudo can safely leave the shelter.
Where to Find Orb 2 - Gerudo Shelter Inn
In the shelter, the second orb is accessible and can be brought to the statue room without waiting for the storm to dissipate. To locate this orb, go to the Inn area. Proceed from the main chamber with the fire pit and enter the western portal adorned with multicolored laundry. This will lead Link to a chamber with entrances to the jail on the right, the cantina in the middle, and the Inn on the left.
Enter the Inn and keep to the left. As you make your way in, Link will turn to the right where you'll find two beds with a small chamber above them. Use Ascend to access the chamber and discover an array of materials such as rock salt and topaz, along with orb 2. Take note of the symbol on the orb and proceed to the corresponding statue.
Where to Find Orb 3 - Gerudo Shelter Cantina
After the sandstorm subsides, you can retrieve Orb 3 by visiting the cantina beside the Inn. If you had previously explored the cantina during the storm, you would have encountered a hostile Gerudo woman guarding the orb. However, now that the area is deserted, the orb is yours for the taking. With all three shelter orbs secured, Link must venture outside to locate the remaining ones, many of which are hidden within the confines of Gerudo Town's walls.
Where to Find Orb 4 - Lost in the Dunes
To obtain the orb, Link must first make his way to Kara Kara Bazaar. After completing "Riju of Gerudo Town," head out to the bazaar where two individuals can be found standing in front of the store. From their vantage point, the orb can be seen on the ground between them. However, they reveal that the owner of the orb, Ponthos, is lost in the vast desert. To begin the "Lost in the Dunes" quest, Link must speak with Benja.
Benja expresses his worries to Link about the nearby sinkholes that may pose a danger to Ponthos, as they had all agreed to meet at the tallest structure in case any of them got lost in the desert. He informs Link that Ponthos was last seen heading west.
Heading west from Benja will lead Link to a significant ruin accompanied by a modest campfire. Upon careful scrutiny, he will come across a sinkhole with a spear and shield lodged near its entrance. To pinpoint the exact location, refer to the map above with coordinates (-3370, -2669, 0031).
If Link falls into the sinkhole, he will come face to face with Ponthos. To escape the area, backtrack along the stream until you reach a series of rock walls that Link can break through. Keep going until you reach a ladder that leads out of the Kara Kara Bazaar Well. Ponthos will leave with Link and promise to reward him with the orb later. To return the orb to Gerudo Town, Link can either build a vehicle using the Zonai devices and materials in the bazaar or travel on foot.
Where to Find Orb 5 - Sand Seal Pen
The fifth orb can be located within the walls of Gerudo Town, resting on a small ledge located near the Sand Seal Pen. If Link enters the town from the main entrance on the northeastern side and turns left, a set of small stairs will become visible to the left of the pen. As he approaches, the orb will become visible on the ledge.
Where to Find Orb 6 - Dalia's Game
The next orb can be found in close proximity to orb 5. To locate it, Link should take a right turn instead of turning left upon entering the town through the main gate. If it is nighttime, the orb will be visible in the corner, but approaching it will prompt a message that the orb is significant to Dalia, one of the young girls in town. In case Link revisits the orb during daylight hours or passes through the main gate, he will come across Dalia standing beside the orb, indicating the start of a new quest.
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In order to obtain the orb from Dalia, Link will need to participate in a challenge known as "Dalia's Game". This side quest involves finding a stuffed Sand Seal within a limited amount of time. To locate the doll, Link should make a sharp right turn after entering the chamber with the mural and training dummies, where he will find it tucked away in a small niche. Utilizing Ultrahand can also be helpful in identifying interactive objects, such as the Sand Seal.
Head back above ground to grab the orb from the same location it was left, and bring it back to Rotana and the statues.
Where to Find Orb 7 - Covered in Sand
The orb you're searching for can be located on the rocky outcroppings that adorn the tops of the town's walls and structures. Specifically, it can be found at the precise center of the wall facing southeast. For the exact coordinates, refer to the map image provided (-3801, -2966, 0057).
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To uncover the orb, you'll need to clear away a large pile of sand. It's recommended to bring an item that can create wind, such as a fan fused to a shield. This will allow Link to easily control a powerful gust of wind using the L1 button. Once the sand is cleared, return the orb to the statues. Rotana will acknowledge that all seven orbs are now in place and something should happen.
Entering the Secret Chamber
After successfully placing all seven orbs in their designated spots, a hidden chamber will be uncovered beneath the floor. Inside, Link will discover a colossal orb and a small tablet. The inscription on the tablet instructs him to venture to the North Gerudo ruins and Gerudo Sanctuary to claim his reward and emphasizes that the giant orb holds the key to his success.
Rotana asks Link to carry the massive orb, and they'll uncover the mystery together.
Where to Take the Giant Orb in The Mysterious Eighth
Lift the giant orb using Ultrahand and head outside. If Link has "The Mysterious Eighth" active on the map, he will notice the mission marker at the intended location. The North Gerudo Ruins are within walking distance, so Link can carry the orb without any issues.
As Link navigates through the decrepit remains, he'll come across some minor opposition in the shape of electric Chu-Chus and Lizalfos. However, they pose little threat, particularly if he's accompanied by the Sages.
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Upon reaching the designated mission marker, Link will come across a hole amidst the ruins that provides access to the Gerudo Sanctuary. Upon peering into the depths of the hole, Link will spot the precise location where the orb needs to be inserted. As soon as the orb is placed in the designated spot, a massive gate will open up, granting Link passage into a lengthy cave.
At the end of the cave, Link will another hole covered by stone plates. Move the plates and drop to the lower level.
After traversing through another long cave path, Link will stumble upon a gate that is currently inaccessible. Continuing down the path, he will eventually encounter a solitary Gibdo. To defeat this enemy, use either elemental weapons or arrows before dropping through a hole in the chamber beyond. While the chamber may initially appear empty, look up to discover a passage that Link can navigate through. Utilize Ascend to reach the door and progress further.
In the small chamber beyond the door, Link will come across three stone plates that can be moved using Ultrahand. Using this tool, move the plate on the left that is broken and proceed further down the path. Soon, Link will encounter a section of breakable rocks that can be destroyed to reveal a large stone bridge. Crossing the bridge can be quite tricky as there are blocks that fall when stepped on. Link needs to be very careful and move quickly to make it safely to the other end. The door at the end of the bridge leads to the next level of the game.
The area will now begin to look like an ancient temple. Keep heading along the path until Link enters the Statue of the Eighth Heroine room.
The Statue of the Eighth Heroine Room
The ultimate chamber unveils the enigma of the Eighth Heroine, revealing both answers and new mysteries. The inscription on the ancient tablet located at the entrance of the room recounts the tale of a colossal sand beast causing destruction in the Gerudo lands. In their time of need, an unknown hero emerged and advised them to unite and fight as a team. This strategy proved successful, and although they were grateful for the hero's assistance, he was not permitted to enter Gerudo Town due to their strict laws. This chamber serves as a tribute to this hero's bravery and selflessness.
Inside the chamber lies a collection of valuable treasures including a gold rupee, ruby, sapphire, and topaz. Additionally, there is at least one of every Gerudo weapon and shield, excluding the legendary items featured in Breath of the Wild.
Return to Rotana in Gerudo Town to complete the quest and receive a silver rupee.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available now on Nintendo Switch.