Unlock the Secrets of Baldur's Gate 3: Discover the Hidden Powers of the Mundane Chest!

Unlock the Secrets of Baldur's Gate 3: Discover the Hidden Powers of the Mundane Chest!

Unlock the secrets of the Chest of the Mundane in Baldur's Gate 3 Discover its hidden location and unravel its mysterious contents Embark on an epic adventure as you uncover the true power of this unique item container

In Baldur's Gate 3, there is a wide range of intriguing items waiting to be discovered. Even seemingly ordinary ones can hold great value, just like the Chest of the Mundane. This unique container surpasses its humble name.

To ensure that players can hold onto as many items as they desire for important moments, proper inventory management is crucial. It's hard to predict what will unfold in Baldur's Gate 3 on the first playthrough, so it's wise to have useful items readily available. The Chest of the Mundane simplifies item management, making it a priority to obtain this exquisite box as soon as possible.

Chest of the Mundane Location

Unlock the Secrets of Baldur's Gate 3: Discover the Hidden Powers of the Mundane Chest!

To obtain the Chest of the Mundane, players must discover a path to the Underdark. There are various routes to access this uncharted territory, and it is highly recommended that players assemble a party of adventurers at least at Level 4 before venturing underground.

Once in the Underdark, players must descend to the lower levels of the western side, where they will encounter the Arcane Tower. Be cautious, as this location is teeming with hostile sentry turrets that indiscriminately fire at any movement. To navigate safely, players can switch to turn-based mode or utilize Sussur flowers found on the Sussur tree by throwing them near the turrets.

Once the party has arrived at the main entrance, instruct someone to enter through the open window. Proceed to the balcony located to the right of the main door, where the Chest of the Mundane can be found resting on the railing. By right-clicking on the chest, it can be picked up and added to the character's inventory. It is worth mentioning that players may be required to pass an Arcana check in order to accurately identify the chest, although it will still function even if the check is unsuccessful.

What to Do With the Chest of the Mundane?

Unlock the Secrets of Baldur's Gate 3: Discover the Hidden Powers of the Mundane Chest!

Named for its magical ability to transform equipment into everyday items like forks, spoons, and ladles, the Chest of the Mundane offers more than meets the eye. Beyond its initial charm, this enchanting chest possesses the unique power to significantly reduce the weight of the transformed objects. This outstanding feature bestows great advantage upon its bearer, effectively expanding their carrying capacity and making it an ideal companion for transporting heavy wares. Rest assured, any items retrieved from the chest will revert back to their original form.

When using the Chest of Mundane, the weight reduction effect extends to all types of containers. Players can store a box filled with weapons and armor in the chest, significantly reducing its overall weight to single-digit numbers or potentially even less. However, it should be noted that the chest bearer's overall encumbrance tends to fluctuate whenever an item is added to or taken out of the Chest of the Mundane. Baldur's Gate 3 is currently available on PC, and a PS5 version will be released in the near future.