Unlock the Secrets of Starfield: Exclusive Vendors, Hidden Locations, and More!

Unlock the Secrets of Starfield: Exclusive Vendors, Hidden Locations, and More!

Discover the ultimate guide to Starfield's elusive space station, The Key Uncover the secrets of docking, explore vendors and stores, and encounter remarkable NPCs in your quest to infiltrate the headquarters of space pirates

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The Key Location

How to Dock at The Key

The Key Vendors and Stores

Notable NPCs at The Key

In the game Starfield, players will encounter The Key, a space station controlled by notorious space pirates. Positioned in the orbit of Suvorov, a once-utilized high-security prison for criminals by the United Colonies, gaining access to The Key proves to be a formidable task, especially for inexperienced explorers. Concealed within a star system, the station is heavily guarded by formidable forces and renowned starships. Nonetheless, there is a peaceful method for successfully reaching this captivating destination. By following the outlined steps in this guide, Starfield players can effortlessly locate and freely explore The Key, avoiding any necessary conflicts along the way.

The Key Location

Unlock the Secrets of Starfield: Exclusive Vendors, Hidden Locations, and More!

How to Dock at The Key

The Key space station, located in the Kryx star system, presents an intriguing destination for players. Positioned in orbit around Suvorov, a formidable Rock-Type planet that houses The Lock, this station acts as the primary base of operations for the esteemed Crimson Fleet. However, gaining access to The Key is an achievement earned only after triumphing over the initial pair of action missions.

Unlock the Secrets of Starfield: Exclusive Vendors, Hidden Locations, and More!

In order to reach The Key space station, players are required to fulfill the "Rook Meets King" objective subsequent to completing the Deep Cover mission. This quest holds significant importance within the Crimson Fleet questline, which triggers when players engage in criminal activities and subsequently get apprehended by the UC security forces.

The Key Vendors and Stores

The survival chances of players who choose to travel to the Kryx star system before embarking on the Rook Meets King mission are extremely slim due to the constant threat of pirate attacks. Since players are not part of the Crimson Fleet, they are perceived as potential dangers and will consequently be subjected to immediate assaults from numerous enemy starships. As a result, the majority of low-level players find it impossible to approach The Key City early on in the game.

Unlock the Secrets of Starfield: Exclusive Vendors, Hidden Locations, and More!

The compact size of The Key space station allows convenient access to all its merchants through Reckoner's Core, particularly the Depot area. Within this zone, players can explore a variety of eight stores, including Ship Services, a firearms store, a coffee shop, an outfit store, and more.

Ship Services: Sells ship components.

Trade Authority: Buys Contraband items.

Medbay: Cures ailments and sells Aid items.

The Last Nova: Offers drinks and snacks.

TK's Tactical Gear: Vends spacesuits.

Aludra's Weapon Shop: Has a list of firearms and armor.

Isra's General Goods: Trades miscellaneous merchandise.

Zuri's Essentials: Supplies edibles, wearables, and ammo.

Players looking to find the bounty board in The Key will need to search the Depot area near Shinya Voss' hacking chair.

Notable NPCs at The Key

Unlock the Secrets of Starfield: Exclusive Vendors, Hidden Locations, and More!

The Key Station features two crucial characters, Delago and Naeva Mora, who play significant roles aside from the vendors. Delago holds the position of the head of the Crimson Fleet, while Naeva Mora serves as their second-in-command. As players progress through the Crimson Fleet questline, they will be presented with the choice of siding with or betraying both of these characters.

Starfield is available now for PC and Xbox Series X/S.