Unlock Limitless Customization! Destiny 2 Players Demand an Urgent Synthweave Overhaul

Unlock Limitless Customization! Destiny 2 Players Demand an Urgent Synthweave Overhaul

Destiny 2 players demand improvements to Synthweave system due to frustrating time restrictions, urging Bungie for positive changes

The current transmogrify system in Destiny 2, introduced during the Season of the Splicer, has received feedback from players who find it restrictive and in need of improvement for better accessibility. This system, which allows players to alter the appearance of their Legendary Armor pieces to achieve a fashionable look while taking down enemies, has roots in earlier games like GoldenEye 007 and the original Tomb Raider. World of Warcraft was the first to implement a gear-based transmogrify system in the Mists of Pandaria expansion, leading to a trend of character customizations in video games. In Destiny, custom skins for Exotic Armor and Weapons were introduced with the Rise of Iron expansion and carried over to the sequel. With the expansion and season releases in Destiny 2 introducing an increasing variety of intricate and thematic armors, the demand for a specific transmogrification system for Legendary Armors grew. As a response, Bungie developed the Synthweave system.

In Destiny 2's current Synthweave system, players can acquire special bounties from Ada-1 at the tower. These bounties reward Synthweave upon completion. The obtained Synthweave can then be exchanged at The Loom for class-specific consumables, which can unlock Armor pieces as Universal Ornaments. However, to obtain an Armor piece as a Universal Ornament, players must already have the original armor in their gear library. There is a limitation that each character can only complete ten Synthweave bounties per season. Some players, like ThePkBoi, have expressed dissatisfaction on the official subreddit, stating that this restriction hampers their playtime as they are unable to unlock ornaments for their preferred thematic build.

Other players have also voiced their concerns in the comment section. They point out that the cap on obtainable bounties is just one part of the issue. They believe that the Eververse storefront is the other part, as it offers a way to purchase Synthweave and bypass the cap without any limitations. This, in turn, provides Bungie with a passive income without incurring any development costs. While spending money on cosmetic items may seem peculiar to some, the success of microtransactions in recent times has proved their viability. Nevertheless, Eververse has faced criticism from the community due to Bungie's perceived aggressive monetization strategies in Destiny 2.

Several players have requested that Bungie adopt the practice of granting transmogs through passive gameplay and less predatory strategies, as seen in other games. Bungie has a history of making changes to benefit the player base and has been open with the Destiny 2 community about sensitive matters. It is hoped that this issue will be handled in a similar manner.

Destiny 2 can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.