Unleashing the Ultimate Transcendent Power: Skyrim Player Transforms Every Dawnguard Member Into Immortal Vampires

Unleashing the Ultimate Transcendent Power: Skyrim Player Transforms Every Dawnguard Member Into Immortal Vampires

A skilled and witty Skyrim player astounds with a hilarious and remarkable achievement, transforming all Dawnguard members into formidable vampires Prepare to be entertained and amazed!


A Skyrim player managed to turn all members of the Dawnguard into vampires using popular mods, creating an ironic twist to the vampire-hunting organization.

Using the mods "Sacrosanct" and "Dawnguard as a Vampire," players were able to significantly enhance vampire gameplay mechanics while still being part of the Dawnguard faction.

The community enthusiastically embraced this achievement, as evidenced by the post's impressive 1,300 upvotes on Reddit. In fact, this accomplishment inspired other players to replicate the feat and ignited compelling conversations about the lore behind vampire legends within the game.

A creative player in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim recently accomplished the incredible feat of transforming the entire Dawnguard into vampires. Playing as a vampire in Skyrim can be a thrilling experience, but this player took it a step further by establishing a complete order of vampire hunters comprised entirely of vampires.

Released in 2012, Skyrim's Dawnguard DLC was the game's first significant expansion. While vampires already existed in Skyrim prior to the DLC, it was in Dawnguard that they were prominently showcased for the first time. The expansion's story revolved around the ancient Dawnguard, an organization of vampire hunters, and introduced 39 quests and two major factions: the Dawnguard itself and the Vokihar Vampire Clan.

Shomairays, a Skyrim gamer, recently accomplished the impressive task of transforming every single member of the Dawnguard into vampires. By utilizing two popular vampire mods, "Sacrosanct" and "Dawnguard as a Vampire," Shomairays successfully converted the Dawnguard members while they slumbered. The combination of these mods was crucial for this achievement. "Sacrosanct" is a renowned mod that enhances vampire gameplay, granting them new abilities. On the other hand, "Dawnguard as a Vampire" allows players to remain part of the Vampire-hunting organization even after being turned, providing Shomairays with access to all the members for this amusing prank.

Shomairays's accomplishment garnered significant attention from the gaming community, receiving over 1,300 upvotes on Reddit and inspiring other players to attempt the same feat. Adding to the irony, two Skyrim enthusiasts, Bearsheperd and Siophecles, engaged in a discussion regarding the Dawnguard's lore, confirming that there exist legends about the original Dawnguard members becoming vampires themselves due to succumbing to the allure of power. However, the game itself does not definitively clarify which legends are true.

For players looking to explore the vampire-related content of The Elder Scrolls 5 in more depth, there are various mods to try, including the recent "Bloodhunt" mod for Skyrim. This mod brings back some of the content that was cut from Dawnguard's final version, such as the Vampiric Strength ability, which enhances unarmed damage when playing as a vampire. Additionally, it reduces the harshness of sunlight damage, allowing vampires to be exposed to the sun until 6 AM. The mod also restores some of the vampiric powers that were weakened in the released version of Dawnguard, making it an attractive choice for those wanting to roleplay as a formidable vampire.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - Anniversary Edition is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.