Unleashing the Force: Unveiling the Time Travel Secrets of the World Between Worlds in Star Wars

Unleashing the Force: Unveiling the Time Travel Secrets of the World Between Worlds in Star Wars

Discover the enigmatic 'World Between Worlds' in Star Wars, an ethereal dimension that allows time travel Uncover the logic behind this unique Force power and how it seamlessly fits into the Star Wars canon An intriguing exploration you won't want to miss!

This article contains spoilers for Ahsoka episode 4.


Time travel is an inherent concept within the Force, exemplified by Force users who possess glimpses of both past and future, and the influence of specific Force-converging locations on the temporal continuum.

Within the Star Wars universe, the only realm capable of facilitating time travel is the World Between Worlds, accessible solely through the Force. This ethereal plane serves as the convergence point for the Cosmic Force and the Living Force.

The World Between Worlds is a mystical realm within the Force, often regarded as a netherworld where the spirits of the departed merge with the Force. Ahsoka possesses a deep connection to this realm and has demonstrated abilities linked to temporal manipulation.

Temporal travel has been a prominent aspect within the Star Wars universe since 2018, specifically within the World Between Worlds. This element now assumes a significant role in the Ahsoka Disney+ TV series. The fourth episode of Ahsoka concluded with her defeat and apparent demise, only to awaken in a peculiar setting. Much to her astonishment, she finds herself greeted by what appears to be the Force apparition of her former mentor, Anakin Skywalker.

This mysterious realm came as a surprise to many viewers. But for those who are familiar with Star Wars Rebels, it is instantly recognizable as the World Between Worlds. Often referred to as a netherworld of the Force, this realm enables time travel in the Star Wars universe, a concept that was previously explored in the Expanded Universe through unconventional Force abilities or anomalies in hyperspace. However, the World Between Worlds presents a canonical use of time travel. Here's a closer look at how it operates.

Time Travel is a Logical Aspect of the Force

Unleashing the Force: Unveiling the Time Travel Secrets of the World Between Worlds in Star Wars

The Force surpasses the boundaries of time and space, evident in the experiences of many Force-users who have encountered visions of the past or future. Ancient individuals sensitive to the Force seemed to possess the ability to glimpse across millennia, resulting in enigmatic prophecies, like that of the Chosen One. However, the pursuit of such capabilities became distrusted during the prequel trilogy, especially by Yoda, who feared that individuals might progress from glimpsing the future to attempting to manipulate time itself. Nonetheless, certain Jedi, such as Sifo-Dyas, naturally possessed a connection with the passage of time, while others possessed the rare ability of psychometry, enabling them to relive the past when touching an object.

Specific areas and planets saturated with the Force, known as Force vergences, can induce experiences that influence the flow of time. A notable example is the cave on Dagobah in The Empire Strikes Back, which clearly involved a sense of time distortion. The book From A Certain Point Of View includes a short story from the perspective of Obi-Wan Kenobi, confirming that a Force Ghost, a deceased Jedi who has merged with the Force and experiences an eternal mystical state, transcends time entirely. These instances establish a clear precedent for a living Jedi to attain a connection with the Force and potentially utilize it for time travel, bringing us to the concept of the World Between Worlds.

Why the World Between Worlds is the Only Place Where Time Travel Was Possible

Unleashing the Force: Unveiling the Time Travel Secrets of the World Between Worlds in Star Wars

The World Between Worlds is a separate existence that surpasses the confines of time and space, accessible solely through the Force. According to Star Wars Rebels showrunner Dave Filoni's interview with Nerdist, it draws inspiration from C.S. Lewis' novel The Magician's Apprentice, in which a deranged scientist discovers a way to reach the Wood Between The Worlds - a forest where each pool connects to a distinct point in spacetime (and where other worlds can be accessed as well). In Lewis' account, this story establishes the links between Earth and Narnia. In the Star Wars universe, the equivalent is more abstract, but it pays homage to Lewis by featuring similar portals.

While the precise nature of the World Between Worlds remains unclear, it seems to exist as a dimensional plane where two forces of the Force - the Cosmic Force that binds the universe and the Living Force associated with life - converge. Filoni cautions about the dangers of traversing these vast dimensions and vocalizing one's desires. He explains that every wish uttered by the protagonist Ezra carries significant risk. Viewers can observe a thunderous clap following Ezra's statements, symbolizing the presence of another entity listening. Within this realm, various influences are at play, and every decision becomes a choice between the responsible use of power, control, and the ability to influence others. This is likely where the distinction between the light side and the dark side comes into play. Characters aligned with the dark side, such as Palpatine, seek to exploit the World Between Worlds for immense power, while those aligned with the light side seek wisdom from it.

The World Between Worlds Is A Netherworld Of The Force

Unleashing the Force: Unveiling the Time Travel Secrets of the World Between Worlds in Star Wars

Star Wars recently introduced a new concept called the World Between Worlds, which expands on the idea of an afterlife. In Star Wars lore, those who pass away become one with the Force and can manifest as Force ghosts. The World Between Worlds serves as a netherworld for these spirits, allowing them to traverse between the physical realm and their afterlife. Episode 4 of Ahsoka further explores this concept by featuring what appears to be Anakin Skywalker's Force ghost.

Interestingly, Ahsoka herself has a strong connection to the World Between Worlds. She was saved from death during a battle with Darth Vader by Ezra Bridger, who pulled her out of her timeline and returned her. In episode 2, it is revealed that Ahsoka has gained Force powers related to time manipulation, specifically the ability of psychometry, which only a few Jedi possessed.

Why Time Travel Doesn't Break Star Wars Canon

Unleashing the Force: Unveiling the Time Travel Secrets of the World Between Worlds in Star Wars

Some viewers have expressed concerns about time travel affecting continuity and canon, but Filoni assures that this won't be an issue. In a featurette on the Star Wars Rebels season 4 Blu-Ray, he explains that time travel isn't a simple process of going through different doors in different times. Instead, one can gain knowledge of potential futures or observe past events. While it's possible to alter the timeline, there are risks involved, and it's uncertain if the alterations are how events were always meant to happen. Filoni suggests that attempts to change the timeline have already been factored into history, so when Ezra saved Ahsoka, he was simply fulfilling his intended role rather than altering history.

There have been speculations that the World Between Worlds may explain Ahsoka's words to Rey in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Rey is encouraged by the voices of past Jedi, but Lucasfilm has not confirmed if this implies Ahsoka's voice cameo means she is deceased. Rae Carson's Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker novelization suggests that some of the voices Rey heard are still connected to the living in a peculiar way. This could imply that Ahsoka reached out to Rey through the World Between Worlds, suggesting that her connection to this realm will only strengthen in the upcoming Ahsoka season 1.

Ahsoka releases new episodes Tuesdays at 6pm PT / 9pm ET on Disney+.