Unleashing Epic Destruction: Unbelievable Battering Ram in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom!

Unleashing Epic Destruction: Unbelievable Battering Ram in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom!

A skilled player in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom crafts an awe-inspiring battering ram, showcasing remarkable functionality and precision in its execution


An impressive battering ram built in Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom showcases the creativity and construction possibilities in the game.

A video of an impressively designed battering ram was shared by Reddit user vanilla_thunder_96, attracting admiration and approval from the game's community. The game's constraints on buildable objects make the creation of a fully operational battering ram an extraordinary achievement, motivating other players to delve into their own creative construction concepts.

A player in Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has ingeniously constructed a highly effective battering ram. For those interested in replicating this impressive creation within the game, it would be wise to take note of the player's methods.

Since the release of this action RPG in May 2023, the community has become vibrant with innovative construction ideas. Tears of the Kingdom's building capabilities provide players with ample freedom to craft their own gadgets, vehicles, or machines. As a result, numerous online posts showcasing these creations have surfaced. Additionally, with no official news from Nintendo regarding future Tears of the Kingdom DLC, the community must currently occupy themselves with the game's existing features.

User vanilla_thunder_96 recently shared a remarkable video on Reddit showcasing their impressive homemade battering ram in Tears of the Kingdom. While the contraption may appear relatively simple, the builder clearly invested significant time and effort into ensuring the battering ram's effectiveness. By cleverly combining various Zonai pieces, vanilla_thunder_96 utilized fans to propel the machine forward and Flame Emitters to power the battering arm. In the video, the battering ram can be seen forcefully slamming against a substantial gate, successfully pushing it open in just 30 seconds.

In addition to the impressive display, the Redditor made a delightful reference to The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King when they compared their battering ram to "Grond," Sauron's colossal wolf-shaped battering ram. Fellow fans enthusiastically appreciated this nod to LotR, resulting in a lively comment thread solely dedicated to repeating the name "Grond." While some spectators were understandably awed by the builder's skills, it is worth noting that their accomplishment is truly exceptional considering the limited selection of buildable objects and Zonai Devices available in Tears of the Kingdom.

Players of Tears of the Kingdom are constantly seeking new ways to enhance their gameplay experience. They can find inspiration in vanilla_thunder_96's battering ram and even attempt to recreate it in their own games. However, there is also the potential for players to enhance and refine the design. Regardless, the dedicated player base always manages to find innovative ways to entertain their fellow Tears of the Kingdom fans. Experience the adventure of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, available now on the Nintendo Switch.