Unearthing Diamonds in Zelda's Tears of the Kingdom

Discover the most valuable and sought-after resource in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Diamonds! These precious stones are essential for crafting the finest weapons, armor, and shields Explore the vast world and uncover where to find these elusive treasures
There are numerous weapons, armor, shield, bows, plants, food items, and materials to discover in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Among these materials are ores, including Amber, Opal, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, and Diamonds.
These ores serve a variety of purposes, such as being used for armor or weapon upgrades, being fused onto weapons to enhance their elemental attributes, or simply sold for profit. Diamonds, being the hardest of the ores, are the most valuable and lucrative. Therefore, gathering Diamonds is an effortless way to amass a lot of Rupees quickly. With this in mind, let's explore the different methods players can utilize to locate Diamonds in Tears of the Kingdom.
The Importance of Diamonds
The value of Diamonds in Tears of the Kingdom cannot be overstated. These precious gems are highly sought after due to their ability to generate a significant amount of Rupees in a short amount of time. As such, farming for Diamonds is a lucrative and worthwhile pursuit for any player looking to bolster their in-game wealth.
Diamonds are the most valuable ore that Link can sell, surpassing even Opal, Rubies, Topaz, and Sapphires. They can be sold for a whopping 500 Rupees each, making them a highly sought-after item. However, Diamonds are not only useful for selling, as they are also essential for crafting Champion weapons, such as the Lightscale Trident, Boulder Breaker, Great Eagle Bow, and Scimitar of the Seven.
Additionally, Diamonds can be fused with weapons or shields to significantly increase their offensive or defensive power. However, using Diamonds in this way is not the most efficient option, as they lack any elemental attributes and there are other materials that can be used to create weapons of similar strength without the high cost or short lifespan of a Diamond.
As for finding Diamonds, there are various methods to do so.
Ore hunting in Tears of the Kingdom can be done in various ways, but certain methods are more reliable than others. If you've played Breath of the Wild, you'll know that some old tricks still work in the sequel. The most common method to find Diamonds is by searching Ore Deposits and Rare Ore Deposits. These can be found in specific locations on the map like Death Mountain, Eldin Mountain, Hebra Mountain range, Gerudo Highlands, and within the sprawling caves and underground passages of Hyrule.
There are slight differences in the structure of Ore Deposits that allow players to visually differentiate between the four types: Regular, Rare, Zonaite, and Luminous. Regular Ore Deposits have a solid black obsidian-like shape and texture, while Rare Ore Deposits have a similar appearance but with bits of goldish ore protruding from the ends. Zonaite Deposits feature small holes throughout, emitting a teal-colored glow from within, while Luminous Deposits radiate a bright lightning blue glow.
Purah Pad Sensor+
The easiest method for locating Diamonds in Ore Deposits is to utilize the Sensor+ feature of the Purah Pad, which requires players to complete a series of Main and Side Quests in order to unlock this feature, as well as the Camera and Autobuild features.
After meeting Robbie at the Research Lab, complete the side quest to obtain the standard Sensor. Then, show Robbie five pictures of various monsters to unlock the Sensor+. Next, capture images of both Regular and Rare Ore Deposits to add them to the Hyrule Compendium.
Once added, players can select either of these Deposits as the target for the Sensor+ and track them at all times to lead them directly to the Deposits, which may contain the desired Diamonds.
Alternative Diamond-farming Techniques
Aside from hunting down Ore Deposits and using the Sensor+ Function, there are other effective ways to gather Diamonds in Tears of the Kingdom. Some players have found success in feeding Dondons in Bronas Forest. This may seem like a strange method, but it has yielded results for those who have tried it.
Once players have discovered the Dondons in Tears of the Kingdom, they can take advantage of these new creatures by feeding them a Luminous Stone. Zelda apparently created a sanctuary for the Dondons in Bronas Forest, located directly north of the Lakeside Stable in the East Necluda region. By following these simple steps, players can have the Dondons work on spawning Diamonds for them.
These buffalo-like creatures, with their glowing horns, have a peculiar diet of Luminous Stones. Interestingly, they transform these stones into valuable ores upon excretion. While it is rare for them to produce Diamonds, they do spawn other ores that still fetch a high price. The best part is that this process can be carried out simultaneously with other methods of Diamond-hunting, making it a reliable source of income.
To utilize this technique, players need only place a Luminous Stone in front of each Dondon and wait for them to finish consuming it. After some time (exact duration unknown), ores will be found on the ground near where they were fed. This method is easy and hassle-free, allowing players to focus on other quests while still reaping the rewards.
In addition to this method, players can also find valuable items in specific chests and shrines scattered throughout the game.
This method will become increasingly reliable as Zelda enthusiasts continue to document Tears of the Kingdom. It involves searching for specific Chests or Chests in Shrines that contain Diamonds. Currently, there are only a few known Chests that hold Diamonds, such as one in the Hidden Royal Passage under Hyrule Castle or in the Depths of the Abandoned Hebra Mine. It's not recommended to devote all your time to this method since the complete list of Chests containing Diamonds is still a work in progress, but it's worth noting that Diamonds can be found in Chests. Additionally, using Satori can help you discover more caves.
Cave-Spleunking is not a reliable method for Diamond hunting. It can be difficult to locate caves unless stumbled upon by chance, and Link cannot set a cave as a target for his Sensor+.
When exploring the vast world of TotK, locating Stone Taluses can be quite a challenge. However, there is a reliable method to farm these valuable creatures. By using Satori to mark all nearby Caves in the area and pinning their locations, players can then go spelunking with a higher chance of stumbling upon a Stone Talus. Many players are unaware that Satori's appearance at Cherry Blossom Trees marks the pillars of light that lead to these hidden Caves. This suddenly makes sense once players encounter Koltin, who is attempting to "become a Satori" by consuming Bubbul Gems found in Caves. With this method, farming Stone Taluses becomes a more efficient and profitable endeavor.
The Stone Talus is a unique type of monster in Hyrule that players can encounter while playing the game. Unlike other creatures such as Hinox, Frox, Gleeok, Moldugas, and even Lynels, the Stone Talus is more like a sentient object than a living creature. As a 'field boss,' players must use their skills to take down this formidable foe and collect the precious Diamonds it guards.
When hunting down stone giants known as Taluses, players can increase their chances of obtaining Diamonds by breaking the Ore Deposit on their body. The rarer the Talus, the higher the chance of Diamond drops. To efficiently farm Taluses, players can mark their location and fight them each time they respawn during a Blood Moon. This method proves to be the best way to farm Diamonds overall, especially if players have an effective route. Additionally, the duplication glitch is still present in Tears of the Kingdom as of May 2023, but it's likely to be patched out soon.