Unearth the Astonishing Power: Zelda Fan Elevates Entire Tarrey Town House to Dizzying Heights

Unearth the Astonishing Power: Zelda Fan Elevates Entire Tarrey Town House to Dizzying Heights

A resourceful player in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom ingeniously creates a floating Tarrey Town house, showcasing their exceptional gaming skills and creativity in the latest installment of the beloved game


A player discovered an ingenious method to build floating homes in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom using existing building mechanics and physics.

The latest technique offers greater flexibility and ample space, revolutionizing the potential of constructing homes within the game.

To recreate this awe-inspiring feat, players must collect Zonai Hover Stones and Zonai Rockets, adjusting the quantity based on the desired height of the levitating abode.

An ingenious player has discovered a brilliant technique to construct an entirely airborne house in Tarrey Town in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. What makes this achievement even more remarkable is that it does not rely on any significant glitches but instead utilizes the game's existing building mechanics and physics.

Unlike its predecessor Breath of the Wild, the latest Zelda game introduces a more robust system for designing personalized houses. To accomplish this, players must venture to Tarrey Town, where they can purchase a plot of land and embark on the construction of their dream home.

The fandom has created a variety of original home designs, but one that stands out is the floating house recently showcased by Reddit user fghhjjjiiioooop. After some experimentation, this inventive Tears of the Kingdom player discovered that by using Zonai Rockets to lift their home in the air and Zonai Hover Stones to keep it suspended, they could create a floating construction to submit to Granteson.

This sky house, although not easily accessible, is incredibly impressive. It offers more flexibility compared to the only other known method for building floating Tarrey Town houses in Tears of the Kingdom, which only allows a small subsection of the layout to be suspended. The previous method involved a limitation in the game that would delete floors that were too high, allowing players to create floating units using hook-like constructions. However, the newly discovered rocket technique suggests that this restriction only applies to the number of vertically stacked blocks rather than the final layout's altitude.

The creation known as Tears of the Kingdom could greatly impact the game's homebuilding meta by allowing players to construct large houses in the sky. Previously, Tarrey Town homes could only float in the air by sacrificing most of their layout as scaffolding, resulting in only a few rooms remaining airborne. However, this new gravity-defying technique changes that.

Players who are interested in trying this innovative method of building floating houses should gather Zonai Hover Stones and Zonai Rockets beforehand. The inventor of this technique used ten of each device to lift their spacious home, but a smaller launch mechanism could also be used for building a floating house at a lower altitude.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available on Nintendo Switch.