Uncovering the Stunning Water Details in Skyrim

Discover a hidden gem in Skyrim's immersive world as a player shares an astounding detail about the game's water that will leave you in awe
In a recent discovery by a Skyrim player, it was revealed that the water in the game has a hidden detail that many players may not have noticed. While fishing is a common use for the water surfaces, there is another purpose that has gone unnoticed. This finding is a testament to the level of effort that Bethesda put into the classic RPG. Despite initial criticism of the game's lack of depth, time has revealed the incredible attention to detail that was hidden away. These small details often raise more questions than answers, but they continue to fascinate and intrigue the community. Some mysteries may never be solved, adding to the allure of the game.
Players in Skyrim have the unique ability to boil water by using fire spells on the surface of the water, creating a burst of steam. Redditor jimbo3557 discovered this remarkable detail, sparking curiosity among gamers about how water would interact with other elements. To test this, players experimented with freezing the water, only to find that it doesn't freeze at all. Interestingly, while players can boil water, they cannot start a fire within fire pits, highlighting a small oversight by Bethesda in their otherwise impressively detailed game.
Bethesda has an exciting opportunity to enhance water gameplay in The Elder Scrolls 6 with the inclusion of the Argonians. Given the modern hardware limitations, there is potential for greater detail in the underwater sections. While each player may have their own vision for the game, only Bethesda knows for certain what features will be included. With Starfield's release anticipated later this year, fans eagerly await a glimpse into what's in store for The Elder Scrolls franchise. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - Anniversary Edition can be enjoyed now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.