A stunned player finds themselves trapped in an unexpected predicament while playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. Due to a glitch, they are forced to remain motionless, performing a bizarre animation. This glitch occurred after defeating the boss in the Water Temple, making it one of the most peculiar glitches ever witnessed in a Legend of Zelda game.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is often regarded as one of the greatest games of all time, particularly by those who experienced it in the late 90s. It was one of the first Zelda games to introduce an expansive open-world environment, as well as a fluid combat system featuring targeted attacks. Years later, Nintendo released a revamped version of the game for the Nintendo 3DS called The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. This enhanced edition boasted improved graphics, controls, and additional content, with the intention of eliminating all the glitches present in the original game. However, as one player discovered through unfortunate circumstances, there are still a few undiscovered glitches lurking within the game.
A video was shared on Reddit by user skd25th, featuring their recent play-through of the legendary game. The video showcased a glitch that resulted in an awkward and paralyzed animation. While battling the Water Temple boss Morpha in Ocarina of Time 3D, skd25th managed to defeat the boss at the exact moment it was attacking them. This caused a recurring animation where Morpha's amoeba-like limb attached to Link's face, causing Link to shake uncontrollably. The glitch occurred after Morpha was defeated, creating an unfortunate yet humorous situation.
The Water Temple in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is widely known for its difficulty. It requires players to frequently equip and unequip the Iron Boots and regular boots to sink and float in the water. Additionally, players must manipulate hard-to-reach switches to raise and lower the water levels. The Water Temple is notorious for its challenging puzzles, including a battle with Dark Link, one of the toughest mini-bosses in the franchise. This recent glitch serves as another testament to why navigating the Water Temple can be a nightmare.
Nintendo made efforts to eliminate all the glitches discovered in the original Ocarina of Time through the remake. Regrettably, there are still a few glitches causing issues. However, it should be noted that not all glitches are unfavorable, as some actually enable players to complete Ocarina of Time in under 17 minutes. The remastered version of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, titled Ocarina of Time 3D, is accessible for the Nintendo 3DS.