Unbelievable Zelda Moment: Watch as Player Astonishes with Jaw-Dropping Trick Shot on Battle Talus

Unbelievable Zelda Moment: Watch as Player Astonishes with Jaw-Dropping Trick Shot on Battle Talus

A skilled player in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom executes a jaw-dropping trick shot on a daunting Battle Talus after persistent attempts Prepare to be amazed by their incredible display of precision and mastery


A skilled Zelda player has uncovered a remarkable trick to swiftly defeat the Battle Talus enemy in Tears of the Kingdom.

This unconventional maneuver entails initiating the assault from atop one of the game's Sky Islands, resulting in a breathtaking descent and an immediate victory over the Battle Talus.

Using a Molduga Hammer, the player made numerous attempts before successfully executing the trick shot, showcasing the immense power of jump slashes and their fixed damage modifier in Tears of the Kingdom.

Through perseverance and a touch of showmanship, a determined player of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom accomplished a remarkable feat by landing an unconventional and entertaining attack on a Battle Talus. This unexpected move resulted in the enemy being defeated in a single strike, despite its usual resilience.

The latest Zelda game introduced several new creatures, including the Battle Talus, which is a disguised Stone Talus found within an enemy encampment. While defeating it is not as difficult as other enemies in Tears of the Kingdom, it still requires some time due to its significant health.

Alternatively, a Reddit user named BenBuja recently discovered a strategy for Link to defeat the Battle Talus with a single jump slash. The catch is that the attack must be initiated from one of the game's Sky Islands. A humorous video shared online showcases this method, featuring the player's Link wearing the full Tears of the Kingdom Evil Spirit Armor and descending for nearly 15 seconds while a dramatic remix of Seal of Seven Sages from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past plays in the background. The clip reaches its climax when the unsuspecting Battle Talus is instantly defeated by the attack upon impact.

The amazing trick shot predictably resulted in the death of BenBuja's Link, although the player had the foresight to bring a fairy that automatically revived their hero. The fan mentioned that they made "a few" attempts at hitting the Battle Talus but did not provide further details.

Regarding their equipment setup, the player defeated this Tears of the Kingdom Battle Talus using a Molduga Hammer. This weapon can be crafted by combining a Molduga horn with any sword. While it may seem logical to assume that this trick shot could have been executed with any weapon due to the increased damage from higher falls on Link's jump attack, this is not actually the case in Tears of the Kingdom. Similar to Breath of the Wild, jump slashes in Tears of the Kingdom have a fixed damage modifier, and the height from which they are initiated only influences their area of effect.

Fans of The Legend of Zelda have always delighted in coming up with amusingly intricate methods to defeat enemies, long before Tears of the Kingdom was released. This was once again highlighted when a Breath of the Wild player successfully defeated a Stone Talus using the Master Cycle Zero, thanks to a clever move. You can now enjoy playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom on the Switch.