Trista Sutter Commends Husband's Courage in Battling Lyme Disease Symptoms

Trista Sutter Commends Husband's Courage in Battling Lyme Disease Symptoms

Former Bachelorette star Trista Sutter admires her husband, Ryan Sutter, for his resilience and determination in facing the challenges of Lyme disease

Trista Sutter Says Its Very Scary When Husband Ryan Cant Push Through Lyme Disease Symptoms

Trista Sutter Says Its Very Scary When Husband Ryan Cant Push Through Lyme Disease Symptoms

Ryan Sutter and Trista Sutter John Parra/Getty Images for Sandals Resorts

Trista Sutter recently shared an update about her husband Ryan Sutter's ongoing fight against Lyme disease. The 51-year-old former star of The Bachelorette spoke highly of her husband's resilience during an episode of "The Most Dramatic Podcast Ever with Chris Hanson" that aired on Monday, April 8. According to Trista, Ryan, who is 49, is showing signs of improvement.

"He still has good days and bad days, but he really wants to feel better most of the time. He thinks he's at about 80%," she mentioned. "I would accompany him to his doctor's appointments because he is extremely humble. He doesn't want to bother the doctors with his issues, even if they are serious."

She added, "I would try to explain to the doctors, 'You have to understand, he can handle a lot of pain.' If I were going through what he is, I would probably be in bed all day or even in the hospital. He manages to push through because he's like a superhero. It's amazing to me."

Lyme disease is a sickness that spreads through the bite of a tick infected with the disease. Early symptoms may include flu-like symptoms, joint pain, fatigue, or a rash shaped like a bullseye near the bite. According to Mayo Clinic, symptoms in later stages can worsen and may include paralysis, severe joint pain, headaches, neurological issues, and inflammation of the brain and heart, among other symptoms.

Trista Sutter Says Its Very Scary When Husband Ryan Cant Push Through Lyme Disease Symptoms

Trista Sutter Says Its Very Scary When Husband Ryan Cant Push Through Lyme Disease Symptoms

Trista Sutter, who tied the knot with Ryan in 2003 and has two children with him, shared that her husband typically manages to overcome the toughest symptoms. Therefore, it is particularly alarming for her when he acknowledges not feeling well.

She mentioned on the podcast that she has never fully understood it, but she is grateful for her partner's tolerance. Without his patience, dealing with her illness would have been even more challenging. Despite his support, the journey is still difficult for her.

In 2021, Ryan received a diagnosis of Lyme disease and Epstein-Barr virus after experiencing mysterious symptoms for several months. He revealed on an episode of Trista's "Better Etc." podcast in May 2021 that his immune system had been compromised due to exposure to toxins, particularly mold. Ryan acknowledged that Lyme disease may be a long-term battle for him, but he is determined to strengthen his immune system to combat it.

After dealing with his illness and taking time off work, the Bachelorette alum went back to being a firefighter in January 2022. He shared on Instagram, "Yesterday marked my first day back in the firehouse after two surgeries and almost six months. It felt good to be back on the job."

Editor's P/S:

Trista Sutter's account of her husband Ryan's ongoing battle with Lyme disease is a testament to both Ryan's resilience and the challenges that come with this debilitating illness. Despite showing signs of improvement, Ryan still experiences good and bad days, with symptoms that can range from flu-like to severe pain and neurological issues. Trista's unwavering support and Ryan's determination to push through the pain are inspiring, highlighting the importance of perseverance and the power of love in the face of adversity.

It is crucial to raise awareness about Lyme disease and its potential long-term effects. By sharing Ryan's story, Trista brings attention to the challenges faced by those living with this condition, encouraging empathy and understanding. Lyme disease is a serious illness that can have a profound impact on individuals and their families, and it is essential to provide support and resources to those affected.