The Viral Phenomenon: Prowler's Music from Spider-Man: Miles Morales Takes the Internet by Storm

The Viral Phenomenon: Prowler's Music from Spider-Man: Miles Morales Takes the Internet by Storm

Prowler's 'ultimate beat' from Spider-Man: Miles Morales transforms into a viral meme, hilariously capturing the disappointment felt towards the underwhelming final version of the song

A new viral meme has taken the Spider-Man: Miles Morales community by storm, inspired by Prowler's music-sampling side mission in the game. Please note: there are spoilers ahead regarding the true identity of the Prowler in Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

With the success of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse and Marvel's Spider-Man 2 for the PS5 on the horizon, more and more people are diving into Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Despite its short gameplay length, which can be completed in a weekend, players are finding themselves captivated by the side missions. One particular side mission, "breaking through the noise," assigned to Miles Morales by his uncle Aaron Davis, has been gaining significant popularity. In this mission, Miles must collect various sound samples across New York City to create the ultimate beat. Completion of this side mission rewards players with the "Purple Reign Suit" and the PlayStation trophy "Deep Cuts."

Throughout the game, Miles and his Uncle aim to create the "ultimate beat" that holds massive potential to captivate players. Given the exceptional music featured in Spider-Man: Miles Morales, gamers understandably hold high expectations. However, the end result of the beat falls short, resembling a jumbled assortment of random sounds that fail to blend harmoniously as intended by the game. This newly emerged meme humorously portrays the developers' envisioned response from players when exposed to this lackluster "ultimate beat."

Undoubtedly, Aaron's music sampling mission stands out as one of the most impressive side quests in Spider-Man: Miles Morales due to the emotional challenges Miles encounters while gathering the samples. This segment of the story highlights Miles' knowledge that his Uncle Aaron is The Prowler, a formidable super villain, creating a conflict between remaining loyal to his family and fulfilling his duty as Spider-Man. Regrettably, the emotional depth between Miles, Aaron, and the music samples loses its significance once players experience the disappointing quality of the final beat.

It is highly likely that The Prowler will make an appearance in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, considering the setup in Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Whether Miles will embark on another mission to find music samples and if it will lead to the ultimate beat remains to be seen. Spider-Man: Miles Morales can be played on PC, PS4, and PS5 platforms.