The Unveiling of Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker's Resolved Plot Holes
Exploring the narrative expansions and explanations that have filled in the gaps of The Rise of Skywalker's unresolved plot points.
The Sith Dagger's Mysterious History Unveiled
In the aftermath of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the Star Wars universe has continued to unfold, shedding light on the unresolved plot holes of the movie. The final installment in the iconic Skywalker saga, The Force Awakens, bore the weight of critical scrutiny and divided opinions, leaving a lingering ambiguity regarding its success. However, the passage of time has brought about a shift in perspectives, with some still regarding the movie as a disappointment, while others have developed a fondness for it over the years. This evolution of opinions is underpinned by profound reasons, encapsulating the complex nature of the narrative.
The Sith Dagger's Mysterious History Unveiled
A point of consensus among both factions is the existence of apparent plot holes in The Rise of Skywalker. However, many of these perceived gaps are now being addressed through narrative expansions and explanations that have enriched the Star Wars universe. Several tie-in Star Wars stories have played a pivotal role in bridging and enhancing the movies, effectively resolving many of the plot holes that once plagued The Rise of Skywalker. Let's delve into the most significant plot holes that have been remedied in the past few years.
Star Wars rise of skywalker sith dagger ochi of bestoon
Palpatine's Enigmatic Resurrection Unraveled
A central enigma in The Rise of Skywalker centered around Emperor Palpatine's unexpected return, following his presumed demise in Return of the Jedi. While the movie left this aspect largely unexplained, subsequent narrative developments have substantially fleshed out this perplexing resurrection. The Mandalorian series has been instrumental in elucidating this mystery, portraying the Imperial Remnant's deep involvement in cloning, with Palpatine's reemergence attributed to the utilization of a clone body.
Rey's parents in The Rise of Skywalker flashback, with Rey in the foreground
Furthermore, the novelization of The Rise of Skywalker by Rae Carson delves into the intricacies of Palpatine's spiritual consciousness transfer to his clone body on Exegol. This revelation finds resonance in George Mann's Dark Legends, which unveils Exegol as a Force vergence with a thin veil between life and the netherworld of the Force. The 2020 Darth Vader comics by Greg Pak and Raffaele Ienco further explore Palpatine's experiments at Exegol, situating this clandestine world in the depths of the Unknown Regions. These narrative extensions have brought clarity to the perplexing narrative of Palpatine's resurrection, enriching the lore of the Star Wars universe.
Palpatine's clone from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and Snoke from Star Wars: The Last Jedi
The Revelation of Rey's Lightsaber Restoration
Following the apparent destruction of the Skywalker family lightsaber in The Last Jedi, the unexpected restoration of the saber in The Rise of Skywalker raised many questions. Rey's remarkable feat of repairing the lightsaber, including the reinstatement of the blue Kyber crystal, was a source of intrigue for many. Rae Carson's novelization offers insight into this feat, attributing Rey's success to her harnessing of the Force Heal power showcased in The Rise of Skywalker.
Luke and Rey Wielding Anakin Skywalker Lightsaber
The utilization of ancient Jedi texts equipped Rey with the knowledge and techniques necessary to mend the Skywalker saber, further cementing the invaluable role of the Jedi texts in her training and the potential they hold for the establishment of Rey's New Jedi Order. This revelation adds depth to Rey's character development and reinforces the significance of the Jedi teachings in her journey.
Rey and Kylo Ren Force-fighting over Anakin Skywalker's Lightsaber in Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Unraveling the Enigma of the Sith Language Ban
The perplexing ban on the translation of Sith runes by the Republic, as explained by C-3PO in The Rise of Skywalker, remained shrouded in mystery for an extended period. The book 'Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade' by Delilah S. Dawson provides clarity on this matter, revealing that Sith runes are inherently imbued with the dark side of the Force. This revelation sheds light on the Republic's decision to outlaw the translation of the Sith language, offering a compelling explanation for this enigmatic ban.
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