The Untold Truth Behind Star Wars' Death Sticks – Revealed!

Unveiling the dark allure of Death Sticks in Star Wars: a captivating exploration of their nature, their perilous usage, and uncovering the intriguing world of narcotics within the Star Wars universe
The Star Wars franchise's vibrant underbelly adds to its allure. From showcasing financial excess to political power in the galaxy, it also delves into the realm of crime. Within this, one beloved hero in the series earns a living by smuggling dangerous narcotics for notorious mobsters. While narcotics are only briefly mentioned, such as through a failed sales pitch by a death stick dealer, the extended universe of Star Wars explores the criminal world in greater depth. Unlike the films, which primarily focus on larger-scale conflicts, the depiction of simple thieves as significant threats is rare. Although similar in some respects, the Jedi in the Star Wars universe are not exactly law enforcement officers – they do not concern themselves with apprehending every young drug dealer, and some even partake in drug use themselves.
What are Death Sticks?
Death sticks, illicit narcotics in the Star Wars universe, bear a resemblance to glowsticks and are available in various colors, contained in small plastic tubes. Addiction to death sticks is extremely difficult to overcome, although there are specialized rehab facilities to assist individuals in their recovery. These addictive substances are composed of ixetal cilona, a distilled and refined substance derived from balo mushrooms native to the planet Balosar. Biotech Industries and Fergriss Pharmaceuticals are the companies responsible for the distillation process, as they own the majority of Balosar, making ixetal cilona and death sticks the primary export of the planet.
The cultural perception of death sticks varies greatly. Characters who bring up death sticks often emphasize their potential lethality. Given their name, it is reasonable to assume that most addicts succumb to the dire consequences of these substances. Each consumption of death sticks is said to significantly reduce an addict's lifespan, although the accuracy of this claim is uncertain. Interestingly, death sticks are also known to sever a user's connection to the Force, causing harm not only to the body but also to the spirit. Notably, various Star Wars characters, including Stormtroopers and Jango Fett, have expressed concern for individuals using death sticks. Those responsible for distributing these illicit substances are referred to as slythmongers. Among fans, Elan Sel'Sabagno, widely known as Elan Sleazebaggano, remains the most famous slythmonger. Sel'Sabagno once made a casual offer to Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi but was promptly mind-tricked out of the slythmongering trade. Years later, he was spotted nonchalantly wandering through Coruscant while accompanied by a child.
How were Death Sticks Used?
There are several ways to consume death sticks. The simplest method appears to be opening the tube and pouring the substance into a preferred beverage. Some individuals opted to inject the fluid intravenously. It was possible to create a solid form of the death stick substance, which some addicts would cut into powder and snort. Most users preferred smoking death sticks. In Star Wars, characters who use death sticks are often described using language associated with cigarettes rather than hard drugs. Stormtroopers were occasionally portrayed as craving death sticks, although Imperial soldiers were prohibited from smoking while on duty. Rael Averross, Count Dooku's first Padawan, is the only known Jedi to smoke death sticks. Averross is renowned for being an unusually free-spirited Jedi Knight.
Although Balosar is not heavily focused on in the canonical stories, the old Legends continuity tells a chilling tale. The people of Balosar were highly addicted to death sticks. The planet's atmosphere had been contaminated by pollution from biotech companies, resulting in the majority of the population developing a resistance to toxins. Death sticks wreaked havoc on the Balosar population, gradually decimating large portions of the species. A Dark Side cult known as Bando Gora employed chemically altered death sticks as mind-altering substances. Utilizing their homemade neurotoxins, they would use tainted death sticks to manipulate victims into becoming assassins and soldiers.
Are There Other Narcotics in Star Wars?
Spice is the main rival for addicts across the galaxy. Fans may remember Han Solo angering mob boss Jabba the Hut by disposing of a large quantity of spice to avoid capture, which caused Jabba to suffer significant financial loss. It is believed that Star Wars drew inspiration from Frank Herbert's Dune for the concept of spice, although its effects are not as extraordinary. Other drugs featured in Star Wars include the potent hallucinogen called Anxynth, the medicinal spray known as Narco Mist, and the Gimer bush, from which Yoda's cane is made. Just like on Earth, the Star Wars universe offers a drug for every purpose.
Death sticks serve as a mild form of indulgence used by soldiers to take the edge off after a tough day, or they can become a destructive addiction that rapidly leads to death for anyone who uses them. The presence of death sticks in Star Wars stories varies depending on the individual user. However, their significant role is likely limited to a single humorous joke in Attack of the Clones, which happens to be the funniest joke in the prequel trilogy. Perhaps every death stick dealer should reconsider their life choices.