The Untold Story of Anakin and Ahsoka in the Star Wars Universe

The Untold Story of Anakin and Ahsoka in the Star Wars Universe

Anakin and Ahsoka's complex journey unfolds in the Star Wars universe From being master and apprentice during the Clone Wars to Ahsoka's departure from the Jedi, their intertwined destinies are tested Ahsoka's survival during Order 66 and her ultimate confrontation with Darth Vader shape their fates forever

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Ahsoka episode 4.


Ahsoka and Anakin's connection revealed his finest qualities, displaying his protective nature, vulnerability, Jedi abilities, playful demeanor, and generosity. Following false accusations of treason and murder, Ahsoka departed from the Jedi Order, doubting their sincere dedication to peace and feeling forsaken by those who had nurtured and educated her.

Ahsoka's survival of Order 66 can be attributed to Anakin's training, and her awareness of his descent into the dark side eventually led to their fateful clash as Darth Vader years later. Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano share a profound and heartbreaking connection throughout the Star Wars saga. Ahsoka was initially introduced in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film as a spirited and confident young Jedi, eager to showcase her abilities. These qualities made her the ideal apprentice for Anakin Skywalker, who had demonstrated similar traits throughout his training under Obi-Wan Kenobi and beyond.

Anakin's relationships are integral to his identity and transformation. His connections with his mother Shmi, his wife Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka play a crucial role in his susceptibility to the dark side. However, these relationships also contribute to his growth as a person and a Jedi. Anakin's bond with Ahsoka brings out his protective nature, vulnerability, Jedi skills, playfulness, and generosity. Even after their master and Padawan relationship ended, Ahsoka continues to be shaped by these shared experiences and their significant history together.

Ahsoka Was Anakin Skywalker's Apprentice During The Clone Wars

The Untold Story of Anakin and Ahsoka in the Star Wars Universe

During the time period known as The Clone Wars, depicted in both the animated movie and series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, there was a conflict between the Separatists and the Republic. This challenging era also brought difficulties for the Jedi Order. Anakin, like many others, was quickly promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight at the start of the war in order to lead the Republic's vast Clone Army. Despite not having shown any previous interest in mentoring, as a Jedi Knight, Anakin was eligible to take on a Padawan. This is where Ahsoka entered the picture.

In the film, Ahsoka approached Anakin and explained that Master Yoda had suggested they work together. Initially, Anakin was hesitant to accept Ahsoka as his Padawan. She displayed eagerness to learn but also exhibited overconfidence and a tendency to act impulsively, much like Anakin himself. Although Anakin had no intention of becoming a mentor, particularly to someone like Ahsoka, Yoda believed that teaching her would help Anakin understand the importance of letting go. Anakin always formed strong bonds with those he cared about, but eventually, he would need to allow Ahsoka to forge her own path and become a Jedi in her own right, independent of their relationship.

Ahsoka and Anakin's collaboration spanned over two years, during which they tirelessly rescued innumerable lives, liberated countless worlds, and unraveled numerous enigmas. They forged a genuine camaraderie, becoming inseparable confidants who instinctively anticipated each other's needs and emotions. Ahsoka even harbored suspicions about Anakin's bond with Padmé, yet refrained from meddling. However, Ahsoka's departure ultimately inflicted a deeper wound upon Anakin than if she had been knighted as a Jedi, intensifying his disillusionment with the Jedi Order and Council, and propelling him further down the treacherous path of the dark side.

Ahsoka Left The Jedi After Being Failed By The Council

The Untold Story of Anakin and Ahsoka in the Star Wars Universe

Following the devastating bombing that struck the Jedi Temple in the climactic finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 5, Ahsoka found herself unjustly accused of treason and murder. Determined to prove her innocence, she embarked on a solitary journey, seeking evidence to clear her name. Despite the Jedi Council's unwavering conviction in Ahsoka's guilt, they were coerced into hastening their judgments by Republic officials who would later become key figures in the rise of the Empire. Amidst this turmoil, Anakin Skywalker, standing alone, steadfastly believed in Ahsoka and fought tirelessly to rescue her from an impending peril. Ultimately, it was revealed that one of Ahsoka's fellow Padawans had been the true perpetrator, leading to her exoneration and a renewed invitation to rejoin the Jedi Order. Nonetheless, the damage inflicted upon her reputation and the Jedi's trust had already taken its toll.

Despite being taught from a young age that the Jedi were peacekeepers, Ahsoka's experiences revolved around constant fighting in an seemingly endless war. This led her to question if the Jedi were truly dedicated to peace and the protection of the galaxy, or if their ties to the Republic government had become too entangled to distinguish. When her mentors and guardians began questioning her innocence, particularly when the Republic became involved in a Jedi conflict, it became too much for Ahsoka to bear. Despite being asked to return, she ultimately made the decision to leave the Jedi Order, forsaking not only her training but also Anakin. Instead of Anakin learning to let go of Ahsoka, she tried to sever her connection with him and with the Jedi. Ahsoka's departure disappointmented Anakin, who viewed her choice as a personal failing. Moreover, it fueled his anger towards the Jedi Council and their handling of the situation, deepening his distrust and providing another avenue for Palpatine to exploit for his own gain in the future.

Ahsoka Survived Order 66 In Part Thanks To Anakin's Training

The Untold Story of Anakin and Ahsoka in the Star Wars Universe

Despite no longer holding the title of a Jedi, Ahsoka still found herself targeted during Order 66. In the final chapter of Season 7 of The Clone Wars, Ahsoka found herself on Mandalore, aiding Bo-Katan Kryze in freeing her homeworld from the grasp of Darth Maul, the former apprentice of Palpatine. A remarkable duel ensued between Ahsoka and Maul, resulting in the defeat of the latter and the assistance of her past comrades, the clone troopers she once commanded alongside Anakin. With the conclusion of the battle, Ahsoka and the clones took Maul as a prisoner aboard a Republic Venator, only to face the sudden enactment of Order 66 at that very moment. The clones, who were once loyal allies she trusted with her life, turned against her.

Ahsoka miraculously survived the ambush due to two pivotal factors. Just moments before the clones received their orders to attack, Ahsoka sensed the distress and downfall of Anakin towards the dark side. She could perceive the instant when Anakin made the decision to save Palpatine from Mace Windu's assault and underwent a transformation into Darth Vader. It served as a warning, a sign that something momentous was about to occur. Coinciding with this realization, the clones launched their assault on her.

Additionally, Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi episode 5 "Practice Makes Perfect" showcased Anakin's role in imparting survival skills to Ahsoka amidst the chaos of Order 66 and the clones' relentless ambush. He diligently honed her speed, stamina, reflexes, and agility, equipping her to retaliate against countless assailants from every direction. This dynamic only added to the tragedy of their bond – while Anakin's teachings ultimately saved her life, Ahsoka was unable to reciprocate and protect him in return.

Ahsoka Confronted Darth Vader, & Barely Survived

The Untold Story of Anakin and Ahsoka in the Star Wars Universe

In Star Wars Rebels, Ahsoka joined the Rebellion as Fulcrum, aiding Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger in unravelling the mysteries of the dark side and the Force. Towards the end of season 2, they ventured to the planet Malachor in search of Sith knowledge to combat Darth Vader's Inquisitors and the Dark Lord himself. It was during this mission that Ahsoka had her first confrontation with Vader, discovering his true identity.

Ahsoka experienced deep guilt upon discovering the drastic transformation of her former master, feeling personally responsible for abandoning him. She held onto hope of redeeming him and restoring his connection to the light, but her efforts were in vain. Anakin Skywalker, though caring for Ahsoka, had strayed too far down a dark path, as evidenced by the events of "Return of the Jedi." Ahsoka engaged in a intense duel with Vader, managing to hold her ground, but barely managing to survive. The conclusion of Rebels season 2 saw Ahsoka disappear, only to resurface two years later in season 4, saved by Ezra Bridger in the World Between Worlds – a dimension that interlinks all of space and time.

In the final installment of Ahsoka in episode 4 "Part Four: Fallen Jedi," she once again finds herself within the mystical realm of the World Between Worlds. Waiting for her there is a figure that resembles Anakin Skywalker – or someone who bears a striking resemblance to him. Regardless of the true identity of this individual, Ahsoka yearns for closure. She needs confirmation that Anakin has genuinely returned to the path of light, allowing her to finally relinquish the burden of guilt that has plagued her throughout Star Wars' extensive history.

Ahsoka releases new episodes Tuesdays at 6pm PT / 9pm ET on Disney+.