The Untold Secrets of Darth Plagueis: Unveiling the Dark Side's Master

The Untold Secrets of Darth Plagueis: Unveiling the Dark Side's Master

Unravel the enigma of Darth Plagueis the Wise! Discover the captivating tale of his early life, his quest for a new apprentice, his master plan that shook the galaxy, and the profound impact he left behind Get ready for an enthralling journey into the darkness of one of Star Wars' most intriguing characters

When Star Wars fans watched Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith in 2005, they were treated to Chancellor Palpatine delivering a legendary monologue known as "The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise." This speech aimed to deceive Anakin Skywalker by recounting the rise, accomplishments, and downfall of the mysterious Darth Plagueis. Over time, Palpatine's tale of the Sith Lord has become a renowned element of the Star Wars saga.

The character of Darth Plagueis was given greater depth in the Star Wars Expanded Universe through James Luceno's novel, Star Wars: Darth Plagueis. This book delves into the story of Plagueis and a young Sheev Palpatine, who becomes his apprentice. The teachings of Darth Plagueis hold significant sway in the Star Wars mythology, as they ultimately entice Anakin to join the Sith and lead to the downfall of the Galactic Republic. As a result, understanding the life and legacy of Plagueis is a crucial part of the Star Wars lore.

Early Life

The Untold Secrets of Darth Plagueis: Unveiling the Dark Side's Master

Born as Hego Damask II, the Muun man who would later become Darth Plagueis discovered his Force abilities at a young age. His birth was not accidental; it was orchestrated by Darth Tenebrous, a Dark Lord of the Sith, who convinced Hego's mother to bear a child with the man who would become his father. Tenebrous foresaw that Hego would possess great power in the Force. As Hego's mother was already close to Tenebrous, he was never given the opportunity to join the Jedi. Instead, he was immediately immersed in the teachings of the Dark Side.

Tenebrous' ultimate goal with Plagueis was to transfer his own consciousness into Plagueis' body using a creation called maxi-chlorians. His intention was to live on and defy the tradition of the Rule of Two. While on a mission to Bal'demnic, Plagueis sensed that the time had come to kill his master. After defeating Tenebrous, Plagueis discovered that the maxi-chlorians had entered his body, but they left when Tenebrous' consciousness realized that Plagueis was destined to be killed by his apprentice in the future. Plagueis left Tenebrous' remains in a cave and escaped.

A New Apprentice

The Untold Secrets of Darth Plagueis: Unveiling the Dark Side's Master

Later on, Darth Plagueis encountered a young Sheev Palpatine on the planet Naboo. Sheev eventually became his informant, aiding Plagueis in manipulating political elections for personal gain. Gradually, a paternal bond formed between the two, with Palpatine greatly admiring Plagueis. With intentions of Sith domination, Plagueis commenced training Sheev as a skilled statesman, grooming him to potentially hold the position of Chancellor.

After significant efforts to shape Palpatine into a suitable disciple, Plagueis orchestrated events leading to the murder of Sheev's own parents. This severed any remaining ties he had with his family, forging profound loyalty and devotion to his new mentor, Darth Plagueis. Consequently, Sheev assumed the name Darth Sidious. In the following years, Plagueis continued to enhance Sidious' Force abilities, while simultaneously aiding his rise in the political sphere.

Plagueis’ Master Plan

The Untold Secrets of Darth Plagueis: Unveiling the Dark Side's Master

To ensure the Sith's control over the galaxy, Plagueis strategically initiated numerous plans that would pave the way for his and Sidious' ultimate rule. He actively pursued the Kaminoan people to gain access to their advanced cloning technology. This endeavor brought him into contact with two prominent Jedi, Sifo-Dyas and Dooku, who held concerns about the Republic's condition. Over time, Plagueis successfully convinced Sifo-Dyas to proceed with creating an army using the Kaminoan technology, though unbeknownst to him, this army was ultimately destined to annihilate the Jedi.

Simultaneously, Plagueis became fixated on manipulating midi-chlorians in his pursuit of eternal life for both himself and his apprentice. Eventually, these mastered abilities would be employed by Palpatine to manipulate Anakin Skywalker into embracing the Dark Side, all in an effort to save his wife, Padmé, from death. Plagueis' studies into these potent Force powers intensified his obsession, leading him to withdraw from society and become increasingly reclusive.

In the meantime, Darth Sidious found an apprentice in the form of Darth Maul. Alongside his growth in political power, Sidious encountered Anakin Skywalker, a young boy from Tatooine who possessed the potential to be the Chosen One. Recognizing the threat to the Sith, Sidious informed his master, Plagueis, about the existence of Anakin. To prevent any potential Jedi training, Plagueis ordered the assassination of Anakin's potential master, Qui-Gon Jinn. Darth Maul was assigned this task and, although successful, met his demise in the ensuing battle.

Death & Legacy

The Untold Secrets of Darth Plagueis: Unveiling the Dark Side's Master

As Sidious amassed greater power, his longing to wield the mantle of the Dark Lord of the Sith intensified. During a solitary celebration of their dominance, Sidious cunningly ensnared Plagueis, exploiting his vulnerability by rendering him incapacitated through intoxication. In an act of treachery, Sidious unleashed a merciless assault of force lightning upon his unsuspecting mentor, swiftly extinguishing his life and seizing control as the sole sovereign of the Dark Side.

Following his death, Plagueis' plan proved effective as the clone army he desired successfully defeated the Jedi. Under the rule of Darth Sidious, the Galactic Republic transformed into the first Galactic Empire. Despite not witnessing the fruition of his efforts to ensure Sith victory, Plagueis cemented his status as not only one of the most influential Sith Lords but also one of the most significant figures in the Star Wars galaxy.