The Unparalleled Genius: How George Lucas Shaped Disney Star Wars' Greatest Show

Andor takes George Lucas' visionary approach to new heights, surpassing his original vision and delivering an unforgettable Star Wars experience
George Lucas himself was the mastermind behind Andor, the finest Star Wars TV show of the Disney era. In 2012, Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney, which resulted in a strained relationship. Disney CEO Bob Iger openly acknowledged this as one of his biggest mistakes in his autobiography, The Ride of a Lifetime, admitting to missteps and communication issues. However, things have improved since then, with Lucas expressing his enjoyment of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which aligns well with his own vision. In a 2013 interview with IGN, Lucasfilm's Dave Filoni discussed Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 5, specifically focusing on the character of Saw Gerrera. Saw's character arc in Rogue One and his return in Andor perfectly aligned with Lucas' original vision.
The Rebel Alliance is a rebel group formed by pocket groups of rebels scattered across the galaxy, eventually joining forces under Mon Mothma and Bail Organa. This highlights the shades-of-gray morality tale portrayed in Andor, depicting the early stages of the Rebel Alliance.
Andor Builds On Lucas' Vision - But Goes Beyond It
Although Andor may not be the most popular Star Wars TV show, it has undoubtedly received the highest level of critical acclaim. This is not entirely surprising, as writer and showrunner Tony Gilroy was granted the freedom to revolutionize the franchise. By drawing inspiration from Lucas' prequel trilogy politics, Gilroy successfully charted an enthralling new course. Notably, Genevieve O'Reilly's portrayal of Mon Mothma and Stellan Skarsgård's enigmatic character Luthen Rael have captivated audiences, with Luthen displaying a more ruthless and violent approach to rebellion against the Empire compared to Mon Mothma.
The bare bones concept of Andor is strongly influenced by George Lucas' vision, making it a fitting addition to the Star Wars universe. While lacking Jedi and the Force, this Disney+ TV show effectively reflects the themes and ideas that Lucas enjoyed exploring. It is hoped that Lucas found as much enjoyment in Andor as he did in Rogue One.