The Ultimate Underrated Fantasy Action Horror Film Every Skyrim Fan Should See

The Ultimate Underrated Fantasy Action Horror Film Every Skyrim Fan Should See

Brotherhood of the Wolf: A captivating blend of martial arts, horror, and historical drama This underrated gem will enchant Skyrim fans with its thrilling storyline and extraordinary action sequences A must-watch for those seeking a unique cinematic experience

When thinking about period dramas, one often envisions uninteresting scenes with actors dressed in old-fashioned clothing, arguing in formal settings and mentioning famous historical figures. However, there exists a unique subgenre of period pieces that intertwine true stories with intriguing urban legends. Brotherhood of the Wolf skillfully combines fact and mythology to present a captivating fantasy narrative.

Christophe Gans is widely recognized for his controversial film adaptation of Silent Hill, which sparked a great deal of discussion. Gans tirelessly pursued the rights to the beloved horror franchise from Konami for several years. Following his absence from the disappointing second installment, he is now slated to direct Return to Silent Hill, the upcoming reboot of the series. In fact, Gans initially approached a producer with the idea of creating a Silent Hill movie in 2001 while in the midst of filming Brotherhood of the Wolf.

What is Brotherhood of the Wolf about?

The Ultimate Underrated Fantasy Action Horror Film Every Skyrim Fan Should See

The story of Brotherhood of the Wolf follows a French noble awaiting execution during the revolution, who recounts a series of mysterious murders in the Gévaudan region of France in 1764. The culprit appears to be a deadly beast that possesses extraordinary strength and intelligence. Knight and naturalist Grégoire de Fronsac, along with his Iroquois blood brother Mani, arrive to capture the creature. Along the way, Fronsac develops a connection with Marianne, the daughter of a count, which causes tension with her brother Jean-François. As Fronsac investigates the beast's victims, he uncovers evidence suggesting that there is more to the story than just a savage animal.

Fronsac and Mani discover traces of man-made weapons among the victims, leading them to uncover a hidden conspiracy. The eponymous Brotherhood of the Wolf is revealed to be a secret society aiming to undermine King Louis XV and seize power. Fronsac and Mani become targets of both the beast and the French monarchy. During a secret meeting with Marianne, Fronsac learns that the beast does not harm her. Together with Mani and Marianne, they must unravel the mystery behind the monster's attacks. As secrets are unveiled and the death toll rises, the fate of the nation hangs in the balance. This fast-paced action epic delivers stunning set pieces that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats.

How does Brotherhood of the Wolf relate to Skyrim?

The Ultimate Underrated Fantasy Action Horror Film Every Skyrim Fan Should See

The central plot of Brotherhood of the Wolf resembles a side quest line in Skyrim, where the Dragonborn and their powerful companion journey to a troubled village plagued by an unstoppable creature. Through investigation and conversations with locals, they uncover a hidden plot orchestrated by a group of humans aiming to overthrow the monarchy by unleashing monsters upon the population. This storyline could seamlessly fit into other fantasy-themed open-world RPGs such as The Witcher or Shadow of Mordor. However, Skyrim stands out as the ideal choice due to its cultural references and unique approach to action.

One of the most captivating elements shared by Skyrim and Brotherhood of the Wolf is the intricate network of conflicting factions surrounding the main narrative. Initially tasked by the king, Fronsac is later removed from the case when they fail to produce results quickly enough. The Brotherhood, with their own agenda, remains largely unknown to the general population. Similar to Skyrim, Fronsac stumbles upon this secret society while investigating a seemingly ordinary monster attack. The hunt becomes an incredible journey involving royalty, wealthy nobles, independent hunters, and even spies from the Catholic Church. Although tie-in games based on movies often disappoint, Brotherhood of the Wolf could have served as a strong foundation for a fantasy game. It is worth noting that the heroes in the movie bear a striking resemblance to the hunters from Bloodborne, although this detail is somewhat irrelevant.

How does Brotherhood of the Wolf end?

The Ultimate Underrated Fantasy Action Horror Film Every Skyrim Fan Should See

Fronsac and Mani injure the beast using various traps and then locate the catacomb where it is kept. In a fierce battle, Mani gets shot and dies. Fronsac finds a silver bullet in his blood brother, which is Jean-François's signature ammunition. Fronsac gets imprisoned. Sylvia, a spy from the church, reveals that the leader of the Brotherhood is a priest named Sardis. The beast's master is revealed to be Jean-François. Fronsac interrupts a Brotherhood sermon and kills most of its members, including Jean-François. Sardis escapes but gets devoured by wolves as he tries to flee. Fronsac discovers that the beast is actually a trained lion wearing spiked armor. Since it is severely injured, he puts it out of its misery. The aristocrat who is narrating the story is executed, and the final scene shows Fronsac and Marianne sailing into the sunset.

Brotherhood of the Wolf combines martial arts action with a historical backdrop, making it both thrilling and distinctive. There are very few films that can be compared to Brotherhood of the Wolf, and director Gans has never created anything quite like it. Fans of intense action sequences, medieval violence, and stunning period costumes will thoroughly enjoy Brotherhood of the Wolf. Do not miss this unique and genre-blending film.