The Ultimate Guide to Star Wars Grand Admirals: Every Canon and Legends Character Revealed!
Discover the enigmatic Star Wars Grand Admirals, spanning both Canon and Legends! Unveil the intriguing characters who have held this esteemed rank, from the legendary Thrawn to the cunning Balanhai Savit Explore their diverse backgrounds and contributions to the galaxy in this riveting article
Grand Admiral Thrawn is a memorable villain in the Star Wars franchise, but there are many other Grand Admirals in both the canon and Legends continuities.
The Grand Admiral rank holds great significance in various factions, including the Imperial Navy, Sith Empire, Fel Empire, and First Order. Remarkably, every Grand Admiral possesses a distinctive narrative and has made notable contributions to the vast Star Wars universe. Some have risen to become leaders of their own warlord factions, while others have chosen to defect and support the New Republic.
Grand Admiral Thrawn has become one of the most iconic villains in the Star Wars franchise since the original trilogy. However, there have been numerous other Grand Admirals in both the canon and Legends continuities. In the Legends version, the Grand Admiral rank was officially the highest within the Imperial Navy, although in practice, they were among the highest-ranking individuals in the Empire. While Legends-era Grand Admirals outranked Grand Moffs, they were outranked by the Grand Vizier (Sate Pestage), the Supreme Commander and Executor (both held by Darth Vader), and of course, the Emperor himself.
In the Legends storyline, Palpatine established the rank of Grand Admiral two years prior to the events of A New Hope. He handpicked twelve exceptional Naval Officers, military researchers, devoted Imperial ideologues, and even a dark side user for this prestigious rank. These basic features of the Legends-era Grand Admirals were also incorporated into the post-2014 canon continuity. Both canon and Legends include Grand Admirals as high-ranking Naval officers within the Galactic Empire and its various warlord factions. Additionally, there are also Grand Admirals in the ancient Sith Empire, Fel Empire, and First Order. Let's now explore the history of all 21 Grand Admirals in Star Wars.
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21 Thrawn (Legends)
Regarded by many as the unofficial thirteenth Grand Admiral, the successor to Demetrius Zaarin, Heir to the Empire's Grand Admiral Thrawn, is believed to have achieved this prestigious rank long before officially replacing Zaarin. Thrawn, known for his remarkably astute strategic thinking and deep appreciation for the arts, emerged as one of the New Republic's most formidable adversaries. Five years after the Battle of Endor, this Chiss warlord forged a powerful confederation. However, Thrawn's nearly-unified Empire faced defeat at the Battle of Bilbringi, leading to his assassination by his own bodyguard, Rukh, seeking retribution for the Empire's brutal actions against the Noghri.
20 Thrawn (Canon)
19 Gilad Pellaeon
:The antagonist in the final two seasons of Star Wars Rebels, Grand Admiral Thrawn was the canon counterpart to the character. He served in the Defense Fleet of the Chiss Ascendancy and was exiled to known space as a means to please aristocrats. However, Thrawn had a secret mission of gathering information and allies to counter the Grysks. Emperor Palpatine took notice of Thrawn's abilities and quickly promoted him to the esteemed rank of Grand Admiral. Thrawn's reign came to an end when Ezra Bridger strategically sent his flagship to the extragalactic planet of Peridea, effectively trapping the Grand Admiral until 9 ABY. In the season finale of Ahsoka, Thrawn returned to the main Star Wars galaxy, hinting at the continuation of his story in future seasons of The Mandalorian, Ahsoka, and Dave Filoni's upcoming Star Wars movie.
Following his role as Thrawn’s right-hand man, Gilad Pellaeon rose to power as the leader of the Imperial Remnant, the first successor state to the Galactic Empire. Within the faction, he achieved the esteemed rank of Grand Admiral. Despite his previous allegiance to the Galactic Empire and warlords like Thrawn, Pellaeon made the pivotal decision to sign a peace treaty with the New Republic in 19 ABY, effectively bringing an end to the long-lasting Galactic Civil War. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Imperial Remnant, under Grand Admiral Pellaeon’s command, fought alongside the New Republic.
18 Nial Declann
17 Martio Batch
Nial Declann, once a member of the Republic Navy and a non-clone veteran of the Clone Wars, switched sides to join the Empire as a TIE Fighter pilot. Not only was Declann a highly skilled pilot, but he also possessed exceptional Force abilities. Endorsed by Palpatine himself, Declann underwent training to tap into the dark side of the Force on Dromund Kaas. His remarkable Force potential, combined with his exceptional piloting skills, propelled him to the position of a Grand Admiral. He played a pivotal role in the Battle of Endor, providing crucial support to the Imperial forces through his mastery of battle meditation. Tragically, Declann's life came to an end with the destruction of the second Death Star.
Grand Admiral Martio Batch, also known as the "invisible Admiral" for his discreet nature, dedicated his career to researching cloaking technology. His groundbreaking work led to the development of the cloaked TIE Phantom starfighters. Unfortunately, during a confrontation with the Rebel Alliance on Imdaar, the technology was lost, compelling Batch to seek refuge in the Outer Rim. Tragically, after the Battle of Endor, Batch's crew betrayed him, resulting in his assassination. They subsequently aligned themselves with Blitzer Harrsk's formidable warlord faction known as Zero Command.
16 Octavian Grant
Grand Admiral Octavian Grant was renowned for his strategic brilliance and notorious for his arrogant stance towards those outside of the nobility, as well as his prejudice against droids and non-human beings. Grant surpassed most of his fellow Grand Admirals in longevity after the Battle of Endor. He briefly allied with the Pentastar Alignment warlord faction, aligning himself with Grand Moff Ardus Kaine and the formidable Imperial Inquisitor Jerec. Prior to the Thrawn crisis, Grant defected to the New Republic and was eventually granted clemency for his actions during the war. In the midst of Operation Shadow Hand, the ex-Grand Admiral stood against the Dark Empire and played a pivotal role in defeating his former comrade, the loyalist Ardus Kaine, who remained faithful to the resurrected Palpatine.
15 Josef Grunger
Due to his exceptional skills as a fleet commander, Josef Grunger earned a prestigious position as one of the Empire’s original Grand Admirals. However, when the Empire underwent a series of divisions, Grunger took the opportunity to create his own faction of warlords and audaciously declared himself the new Emperor. As a result, he became a formidable adversary not only to the New Republic but also to other Imperial warlords, including fellow Grand Admiral Danetta Pitta. In an intense clash known as the Battle of Tralus, Pitta successfully outmaneuvered Grunger, who met his demise when he deliberately crashed his Super Star Destroyer into Pitta’s flagship.
14 Ishin-Il-Raz
Once an unwaveringly devoted member of the Galactic Republic, Ishin-Il-Raz swiftly transformed into a symbol of unwavering allegiance to Palpatine and the Galactic Empire's fascist and xenophobic culture. Despite his lack of prowess and experience in battle, it was this commitment to Palpatine and the Empire that propelled him to the rank of Grand Admiral. However, the demise of Palpatine during the Battle of Endor shattered Grand Admiral Ishin-Il-Raz, ultimately leading him to take his own life by piloting his flagship into the Denarii Nova.
13 Peccati Syn
Peccati Syn, a highly spiritual individual within the Galactic Empire, rose to the esteemed rank of Grand Admiral thanks to his exceptional strategic abilities. What sets Syn apart is his unwavering loyalty to the main Imperial faction, led by Sate Pestage and Ysanne Isard, even after the Empire fractured. Unlike others who chose to align themselves with or establish warlord factions, Syn remained steadfastly committed to the core Empire. His mastery as a tactician was put to the ultimate test during the Liberation of Kashyyyk, where he found himself in a gripping naval battle against Admiral Ackbar. Unfortunately, it was Ackbar who emerged victorious, leading to Syn's untimely demise.
12 Miltin Takel
Despite his addiction to the extremely perilous spice variant glitterstim, Miltin Takel established himself as a highly esteemed military strategist, earning a place among the original 12 Grand Admirals. However, following the Battle of Endor, Takel made the decision to align himself with the faction led by Trioculus, a warlord who deceitfully professed to be the offspring of Emperor Palpatine. The clash of ideologies between these two individuals led to numerous confrontations, culminating in Trioculus ordering the execution of Takel.
11 Osvald Teshik
Osvald Teshik, one of the Empire's most skilled tacticians, belonged to the esteemed group of 12 Grand Admirals. During the Battle of Endor, he narrowly escaped the destruction of the second Death Star, displaying remarkable bravery and tenacity. From the confines of his Imperial Star Destroyer, Teshik valiantly confronted the Rebel Alliance for hours, steadfastly fighting while his fellow Imperials retreated from the system. Despite his impressive efforts, Grand Admiral Teshik was eventually overpowered and captured, leading to his subsequent execution.
10 Rufaan Tigellinus
9 Demetrius Zaarin
Due to his exceptional military leadership and influential position at the Imperial Court, Rufaan Tigellinus held the prestigious titles of Grand Admiral and Grand Moff. Alongside his roles, Tigellinus fervently upheld the Empire's biased Human High Culture, which led him to undermine his fellow Grand Admiral Thrawn, a Chiss, and Grand Moff Bertroff Hissa, who was a human/Sephi hybrid. Despite Tigellinus's unwavering loyalty to Ysanne Isard's Imperial faction, his attempts against Thrawn proved futile, and his conflicts with Hissa ultimately resulted in his execution.
Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin rose to his esteemed rank primarily by spearheading the research and development of Imperial TIE starfighters. Zaarin's leadership led to the creation of noteworthy starfighters such as the TIE Avenger (based on Darth Vader’s TIE Advanced X1) and the renowned and lethal TIE Defender. Despite his irreplaceable contributions, Zaarin's life was tragically cut short before the Battle of Endor when he attempted to overthrow Palpatine in a coup, an endeavor that was foiled by the cunning Thrawn.
8 Afsheen Makati
It is unclear why Afsheen Makati was chosen to join the original 12 Grand Admirals, as he lacked any notable connections, Force sensitivity, innovativeness, or exceptional talent as a tactician. Additionally, Makati had an ongoing feud with the Supreme Profit Kadann, the leader of the Prophets of the Dark Side, a Sith splinter group aligned with the Empire during the original trilogy era. Despite these obstacles, Makati remained loyal to the mainstream Imperial faction led by Ysanne Isard and Sate Pestage even after the death of Emperor Palpatine. Ultimately, Makati met his demise while striving to maintain Imperial control over the Corporate Sector.
7 Danetta Pitta
Danetta Pitta, a fervent advocate of Human High Culture in the Empire, rose through the ranks to become Grand Admiral. However, little did others know that this outwardly bigoted and zealous persona concealed Pitta's mixed heritage, including Bornek and Etti ancestry. After the Empire fragmented, Pitta took control as the Imperial warlord of the Corellian sector. Unfortunately, his fierce rivalry with fellow Grand Admiral and warlord Josef Grunger led to a tragic end when their flagship vessels collided.
6 Harridax Kirill
5 Rulf Yage
The origins and full meaning of the Grand Admiral rank in the Post–Great Hyperspace War Sith Empire remain a mystery. However, it is widely believed to hold a position of great importance, similar to its counterpart in the Galactic Empire. Harridax Kirill, known as the "Voidwolf," features prominently as one of the primary antagonists in the smuggler storyline of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Kirill started his journey as a slaver, then transitioned into a privateer, eventually becoming an esteemed member of the Sith Empire's navy. Unfortunately, his story culminated in his demise aboard his flagship during a fierce battle in the Corellia system.
The true significance of the Grand Admiral rank in the Fel Empire remains elusive. Nonetheless, in the Legends-era Star Wars: Legacy comics, there were at least two individuals who held this esteemed title. Rulf Yage, the first Grand Admiral, emerged as a prominent figure within the Imperial splinter faction of the One Sith. However, Yage's loyalty waned over time, leading him to defect to the Empire-in-exile. He valiantly fought for them during the Battle of Coruscant, a pivotal event in the Second Imperial Civil War.
4 Morlish Veed
3 Rae Sloane
Similar to his fellow Grand Admiral Rulf Yage, Morlish Veed was previously associated with the Fel Empire before rising as a prominent figure within the Empire of the One Sith. In contrast to Yage, Veed remained devoted to the One Sith, although his true allegiance lay solely with himself. Veed valiantly participated in the Battle of Coruscant, meeting his demise at the hands of Morrigan Corde.
Rae Sloane is a prominent character in numerous Star Wars canon novels that take place during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Interestingly, Sloane rose to the esteemed rank of Grand Admiral following Palpatine's initial demise. Later on, Sloane's Imperial remnant faction merged with the First Order, and she managed to maintain her coveted title and position as Grand Admiral. Although it was widely assumed that Sloane would become the leader of the First Order, the role was ultimately filled by Snoke, a genetically engineered tool controlled by the resurrected Palpatine.
2 Balanhai Savit
In addition to Thrawn, Balanhai Savit is the sole remaining member of the Galactic Empire's initial group of 12 Grand Admirals in the Star Wars canon continuity. Introduced in Timothy Zahn's novel Thrawn: Treason, Savit achieved the prestigious rank of Grand Admiral and took control of the Imperial Third Fleet due to his family's significant political power. With his newfound authority, Savit sought to sabotage the construction of the Death Star. However, this led to a confrontation between Savit's Third Fleet and Grand Admiral Thrawn, resulting in Savit's ultimate defeat and subsequent arrest.