The Ultimate Guide to Leveling up in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Discover the perfect path to conquer the expansive open world of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Unlock the secrets of the quickest early game progression and master the challenges of the late game Optimize your journey and become the ultimate Pokemon trainer
In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the transition to a fully-open world allows players the freedom to tackle the game's main objectives in any order they prefer. The Paldea Region offers three main questlines: Path of Legends, Starfall Street, and Victory Road. Although these quests can technically be completed in any sequence, the absence of a level scaling system implies that there is an optimal way to tackle each quest based on the player's natural level progression.
At the start of the game, players will follow a relatively straightforward path during the prologue. This involves acquiring their starter Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet and making their way towards Mesagoza and the Academy for their first day of school. Once this initial sequence has unfolded, players embark on a Treasure Hunt that truly opens up the game. Despite the initial overwhelming feeling of quest markers appearing on the map, there is a recommended route that takes into account the player's level and the advantageous Pokemon that can be captured along the way.
Best Progression Route in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Cortondo Gym (Bug) - Level 14
Stony Cliff Titan Klawf (Rock) - Level 16
Artazon Gym (Grass) - Level 16
Open Sky Titan Bombirdier (Flying) - Level 19
Team Star Dark Crew (Dark) - Level 20
Levincia Gym (Electric) - Level 23
Team Star Fire Crew (Fire) - Level 26
Lurking Steel Titan Orthworm (Steel) - Level 28
Cascarrafa Gym (Water) - Level 29
Team Star Poison Crew (Poison) - Level 32
Medali Gym (Normal) - Level 35
Montenevera Gym (Ghost) - Level 41
Quaking Earth Titan Great Tusk/Iron Treads (Ground) - Level 44
Alfornada Gym (Psychic) - Level 44
Glaseado Gym (Ice) - Level 47
Team Star Fairy Crew (Fairy) - Level 50
False Dragon Titan Dondozo/Tatsugiri (Dragon) - Level 55
Team Star Fighting Crew (Fighting) - Level 55
Path of Legends Finale - Level 58
Starfall Street Finale - Level 60
Victory Road Finale - Level 65
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Quickest Early Game Progression
Upon embarking on their Treasure Hunt, players should make their way to the Bug-type Gym located in Cortondo to the west of Mesagoza. For those who have chosen Fuecoco as their starter in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, this gym should pose no challenge. However, other players may find it beneficial to capture a Pokemon such as Charcadet, Nacli, or Fletchling from the nearby area to assist them in their journey. After emerging victorious against Katy, players should continue their adventure by heading east of Mesagoza towards the imposing Stony Cliff Titan, Klawf. Before reaching their destination, it is recommended to pause just south of Mesagoza in order to obtain a valuable Paldean Wooper. This Pokemon will prove to be immensely useful in upcoming battles, including those against the formidable Stony Cliff Titan and the ensuing Artazon Gym.
After acquiring the badge from Brassius, players should return to western Paldea to confront the Open Sky Titan Bombirdier and Team Star's Dark Crew. It would be advantageous to capture a Nacli or Tadbulb on the journey, as they can aid in defeating the Titan Bombirdier. Additionally, grabbing a Mankey near the Titan will assist in taking on Team Star's Dark Crew. Paldean Wooper, which will likely have evolved into Clodsire at this point, will be valuable in the upcoming battles against Levincia's Gym Leader Iono, Team Star's Fire Crew, and the formidable Lurking Steel Titan Orthworm.
Before progressing to Casscarafa for the Water Gym, it is advisable to consider stopping to capture a Wattrel in the southern region of Levincia. Having a Wattrel on the team can benefit players who require a solution to Water types in preparation for the next gym. Once Kofu is defeated, the next destination is Tagtree Thicket to confront Team Star's Poison Crew. Once again, Clodsire will prove to be an invaluable asset. The following challenges consist of the Medali Gym and the Montenevera Gym. Including an Annihilape on the team can greatly aid in dealing with both Normal and Ghost types encountered in these gyms.
Late Game Progression in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
After the defeats of Larry and Ryme, the next destination is Asado Desert in order to confront the Quaking Earth Titan Great Tusk in Pokemon Scarlet and Iron Treads in Pokemon Violet. Along the way, it would be beneficial to catch a Water type from Casseroya Lake to better prepare for the battle against the Titan.
Following that, players will then face the final two gyms. First, they will need to head south to Alfornada where they will encounter Tulip at the Psychic Gym. It is advisable to have a Lokix, which can be caught nearby, for this battle. Afterward, players should make their way north to Glaseado Mountain, potentially catching a Salazzle or Pyroar en route to assist them in the battle against the Ice-type Gym Leader Grusha.
Once all the gyms have been conquered, players should proceed to the furthest point north in Paldea to challenge Team Star's Fairy Crew. If necessary, they can catch a Steel type like Bronzong on Glaseado Mountain during their journey. The second-to-last stop on this adventure through Paldea is back at Casseroya Lake, where players will face the final Titan duo: Dondozo and Tatsugiri. It would be a wise choice for players who are still in need of one to capture a strong Electric type such as Raichu or Jolteon from the area just north of the lake.
Lastly, the players need to defeat Team Star's Fighting Crew in order to unlock the finales for each main quest line.
Players now have the freedom to complete the three main quest lines in any order. However, it is recommended to start with the Path of Legends, as it only requires a battle with Arven to be finished. After that, the logical choice would be Starfall Street, where players will face off against Clavell and then Cassiopeia at the Academy. Finally, Victory Road awaits, which includes challenging battles against the Elite Four, Paldea's Champion, and a final showdown with Nemona. Once these main quests are completed, players will unlock the ultimate quest, The Way Home, in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. This will lead them to venture into the depths of Area Zero for the thrilling conclusion of the Gen 9 games. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet can be played on the Nintendo Switch.