The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

Discover the enchanting world of Uuna, the elusive non-combat companion in World of Warcraft Unveil the secrets of finding, upgrading, and saving Uuna as you embark on unforgettable sightseeing adventures

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How to Get Uuna

How to Upgrade Uuna

How to Save Uuna

Sightseeing With Uuna

Released almost 20 years ago, World of Warcraft offers an extensive array of content for players to immerse themselves in. From quests and dungeons to raids and PvP, there is an abundance of activities to occupy players for years to come.

However, among the readily available content, there are hidden treasures waiting to be uncovered. These secrets hold the key to unlocking exclusive rewards like mounts or pets. Uuna, for instance, is a secretive companion that can be discovered and unlocked within the realms of World of Warcraft.

How to Get Uuna

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

To obtain Uuna, players must venture to Argus. To achieve this, players must have unlocked world quests in the Broken Isles, completed the "Armies of Legionfall" quest, and unlocked world quests on the Broken Shore. Once these requirements are met, players can commence the quest "The Hand of Fate" in Dalaran (Legion version). It is advised to complete all Argus-related story quests, as this will unlock all three zones.

Once access to Antoran Wastes is granted, players should proceed to the Scavenger's Boneyard. Defeat enemies in this area until an item called Call of the Devourer is obtained. This item provides instructions on summoning a demon named the Many-Faced Devourer. To accomplish this, players must traverse the Antoran Wastes and collect three distinct bones.

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The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft


The positions of the bones are illustrated in the aforementioned image. Please remember that the bones will only be visible if players possess the Call of the Devourer in their inventory.

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

After collecting all three bones, head to the southern part of Scavenger's Boneyard where you'll find a pile of bones with a radiant yellow spot on top. Interact with the spot and click it once more to summon the Many-Faced Devourer. Defeat the creature and loot its remains. There is a chance for players to obtain Uuna's Doll when they slay the Many-Faced Devourer, once a day. Obtain Uuna by right-clicking on the doll.

How to Upgrade Uuna

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

While Uuna cannot participate in Pet Battles, she does have the ability to undergo cosmetic enhancements. However, the process involved in unlocking these upgrades can be quite perplexing as it demands a series of non-intuitive actions. First, summon Uuna and patiently await her dialogue. Then, while targeting her, execute the /whistle emote, to which she will react. After a brief interval, unleash the /roar emote upon Uuna, causing her to vanish.

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

Summon Uuna back, target her, and then use the /cry emote. To proceed further, players must accompany Uuna to different locations throughout Azeroth and beyond. Begin by visiting Shattrath City in Outland and approaching A'dal, located in the heart of the city, while having Uuna by your side. Observe as she reacts to the radiant light radiating from A'dal.

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

Next, make your way to Lake Falathim in Ashenvale and seek out a specific location where a radiant beam of light illuminates the area. Accompanied by Uuna, step into this illuminated space, and she will engage in a further conversation. As the subsequent step, it is recommended for players to bring along a supply of Goblin Gliders, which can either be crafted by skilled Engineers or obtained from the Auction House.

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

Return to Argus and make your way to the entrance of the Seat of the Triumvirate dungeon. Utilize one Goblin Glider to travel towards the island shown in the image above. As you approach the ledge of the rock, you'll notice another island with a deteriorated building further ahead. Take a moment to allow the Goblin Glider to cool down, then jump and employ a second Goblin Glider to reach the island. Timing is crucial in this situation, as utilizing the Goblin Glider too late will result in a fatal fall. Once you've successfully reached the island, enter the house and proceed towards the doll located at the back.

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

To proceed, players should make their way to Bloodmyst Isle and locate the quaint settlement known as Blood Watch. Upon reaching one of the tables, Uuna will effortlessly retrieve a wand. To ensure a frictionless experience throughout this entire process, it is highly recommended that players, belonging to the Horde faction, switch over to an Alliance alt. By doing so, any potential conflicts with opposing faction members who may not appreciate their presence can be avoided.

Afterwards, proceed to the Shadowmoon Valley in the Warlords of Draenor version and locate the specified area. There, beside the camp fire, you will find a flower crown placed upon one of the chairs. Uuna, the character, will then adorn herself with the flower crown. Following this, patiently wait for a few minutes until a mysterious entity abruptly snatches Uuna, causing her to vanish into thin air.

How to Save Uuna

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

To proceed further with this secret, players must take an unconventional step and sacrifice themselves, regardless of the manner of death. Once deceased, approach the Spirit Healer in close proximity and choose the dialogue option to inquire about Uuna. In response, the Spirit Healer will inform players that they will be branded, which will enable them to reach the whereabouts of Uuna.

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

Once you've arrived at Dragonblight in Northrend, make your way to the southeastern part of the zone where the Emerald Dragonflight resides. Look for a colossal skull along the eastern rock wall. This eerie skull is adorned with a mysterious dark crystal which is able to be engaged. When interacted with, players will be instantaneously transported to an entirely different area.

Before using this crystal, ensure that you have a potion to increase movement speed. Alternatively, perform the following steps on a character with enhanced mobility, such as a Druid or Demon Hunter, as they are particularly skilled in this task.

Approach Uuna and target her. Activate the /cheer emote to interact with her. Then, place a campfire right beside her. It is essential to safeguard Uuna by sprinting through the Soul-Eaters to deter their advances. Mere contact with the Soul-Eaters is insufficient to discourage them. Occasionally, Uuna will employ her wand to fend off a Soul-Eater that comes too close, but it is unwise to depend solely on her assistance.

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

As time passes, an increasing number of Soul-Eaters will emerge, posing an insurmountable challenge to shield Uuna from their clutches. Pause until Uuna displays an emotional cue and starts shedding tears. During this crucial moment, players only have a few fleeting seconds to focus on Uuna and employ the /hug emote to spare her from a gruesome and terrifying destiny.

To streamline the process, a macro can be utilized. For players who feel uncertain about swiftly targeting and typing an emote, the following macro can be created: /target Uuna /hug

Upon successfully executing the macro, Uuna will be empowered and promptly eliminate all Soul-Eaters. Following a short roleplay sequence, players will be transported out alongside Uuna, and they will have the ability to summon her once more.

Sightseeing With Uuna

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

To help Uuna achieve her goal of exploring the world, follow these steps:

1. Begin by traveling to the Gate of the Setting Sun, located on the west side of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in Pandaria. Interact with the NPC on the balcony above the Mogu'Shan palace, who will transport you back in time to before N'Zoth's invasion. It is crucial to visit this location, as simply going to the Gate of the Setting Sun will not suffice. Uuna will initiate a conversation here, and once that is done, you can proceed to the next area.

2. Proceed to Suramar City in the Broken Isles. Make your way towards the central tower and approach the locked door guarded by hostile entities. At Level 70, these enemies pose no threat to you. While still in the Broken Isles, head to Dalaran and make your way to Krasus' Landing. Once Uuna finishes talking, head to the tower in Dragonblight and approach the west entrance.

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

Embark on a journey to Hyjal in Kalimdor and make your way to the serene lake nestled beneath the majestic Nordrassil. As you draw near the ethereal green portal, Uuna's melodic voice will begin to grace your ears. Once you have experienced this encounter, venture back to Pandaria and ascend to the summit of Mount Neverest in Kun-Lai.

The Ultimate Guide to Acquiring Uuna in World of Warcraft

To reach the second to last location, head towards Blackrock Mountain and follow the stone ramps until Uuna initiates a conversation. Afterwards, return to the Warlords of Draenor version of Shadowmoon Valley. Approach the entrance to Karabor and witness Uuna's delight as she realizes that people have survived and escaped Argus. This marks the completion of the secret. If players have Uuna with them, she will occasionally embrace them with a hug. It is important to note that accomplishing this extensive set of objectives is also necessary to obtain Baa'l, which represents a complex secret on its own.

World of Warcraft is available now on PC.

World of Warcraft

Developer: Blizzard Entertainment - Genre: MMORPG

As a devoted fan of World of Warcraft, I am enthralled by its immersive and expansive virtual world. The game's rich lore, stunning graphics, and captivating gameplay keep me engaged for hours on end. I appreciate the plethora of challenging quests, dungeons, and raids that cater to both solo and group play, fostering a vibrant and supportive community. The constant updates and expansions inject fresh content, ensuring that there is always something new to explore. The well-developed classes and races allow for endless character customization, enabling players to truly make their mark on Azeroth. World of Warcraft remains a masterpiece, consistently delivering unforgettable experiences and cementing its status as a legendary MMORPG.